Dec 03, 2005 14:54
Well lets see, Today is Saturday and we had Pop's kids xmas party today and the boys got the remote cars today. It starts I'm back to haveing to do it alone Tony got the ok from the judges to go back to work. We should have the check in a week thank god we need to xmas shop for the boys. We found the car we want It will be the new Jeeps that seat 7 people I can't wait. As soon as the check comes in then we will go and get it. Tony hopes we can have it before xmas eve we are going to get the DVD player in the head rest so the boys will have something to do. But he need to go back to work I am going to hate that I want him to still be here with me and the boys but I know deep down inside he need to work and make the money for his family and he does it so well. I know we are very inporant to him but sometimes I think we are on the bottom of the list of people. I was sick all last week and I'm still not feeling the best but it not as bad as before. I got the wall to wall carpet in the house last Monday and boy do I love them they look so nice here and when I got up last night to go to the bathrooma and got to walk across the rugs I was so happy my toes were not freeze and i was nice until I got to the bathroom floor.
But I don't know what eles to write about other them I am off and will write more later. see Ya Re