It's Syd! And Weiss! And more Weiss! And Syd-and-Weiss! But not in that way! But Weiss running around in black with a gun is, like, astoundingly hot! And her Dad! I mean Sydney's dad! Is Fidel Castro! Ouch! But he was all sweet and cuddly and kind of scary at the same time, which is cool! And he dissed Vaughn! But so did Sydney! And the speech to Vaughn! Man, that was harsh. I mean, that didn't even make sense. I could hear a million S/V shippers crying out in agony there. But did I say Weiss? Lots and lots of Weiss! Except he didn't get any funny lines! I miss me some funny Weiss. Make him funny again, J.J.
And I so called the Assassin!Syd thing. I mean, she's been missing two years and she doesn't remember, you've got to know she was up to all kinds of awful stuff she's going to regret. Cause, you know, Syd doesn't have enough issues already, or anything like that... anyway, in spite of my inner Syd/Weiss fangirl being thoroughly glutted by this episode, I found it curiously unsatisfying. I think I need time to adjust to the difference in, well, basically everything.
But hey... at least there was lots of Weiss!
Yes, I am twelve.