I was interested to see Betsy Bird's comments on her
Fuse #8 blog today about a new graphic novel called
Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword (warning: autoplay video at source). Among other things, the novel includes lots of information about Orthodox Judaism, which caused Betsy to comment:Think about children’s fantasy novels and religion for a
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(I'm going to have to go by the UK titles so apologies). In Knife, the religion is part of the worldbuilding and I really enjoyed the Great Gardener metaphor and the way it's worked in.
In Rebel, I interpreted religion (particularly religious doubt -v- religious faith) as being the whole point of the story and in the interests of full disclosure, it's probably why I didn't enjoy it so much as Knife.
That's not because I have an issue with religion as being the or a main element of the story (I enjoy Lewis and Pullman, for example), but because I'd been hoping/expecting more of a fantasy adventure with religion in the background so wasn't ready for something else.
That obviously speaks more to my own prejudices and having read Rebel and now been prepared for religion coming more front and centre, I'm interested in seeing what you do with Arrow when it's released in the UK.
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