Friday and Saturday Wordcounts

Jul 14, 2007 20:48

Friday: Nothing new on Touching Indigo, but I was working on other writing-related projects, so the time did not go to waste.

Saturday: 179 words. Piddly in itself, but those two paragraphs finished off a scene with a twist that surprised even me. I love it when that happens.

writing, ultraviolet, wordcount

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Comments 3

bluemalibu July 15 2007, 00:56:27 UTC
good luck with the projects :)


cocoskeeper July 15 2007, 12:15:00 UTC
YAY finished off scene!!!! WOOT!!!!


infiniteviking July 15 2007, 20:35:12 UTC
those two paragraphs finished off a scene with a twist that surprised even me

Whee! *cheers you on*


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