Jul 20, 2005 20:14
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? tummy
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? sometimes
Do you snore? no
Do you sleepwalk? no
Do you talk in your sleep? sometimes i think
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? pooh bear
How about with the light? nah
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? no
-- Name: randi jo
-- Birthdate: april 15
-- Birthplace: orlando
-- Current Location: camden
-- Eye Color: hazel
-- Hair Color: brown
-- Height: 5'4"
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: aries
-- Your heritage: umm .. german and norwegian ?
-- The shoes you wore today: flip flops
-- Your weakness: not getting my way
-- Your fears: getting hurt
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: go to college
-- Your most overused phrase: haha and tight
-- Your thoughts first waking up: im tired
-- Your best physical feature: ha , none !
-- Your bedtime: when i feel like it
-- Pepsi or Coke: coke
-- McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds fo sho <3
-- Single or group dates: depends
-- Adidas or Nike: i dont know ?
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: tea is GROSS
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
-- Smoke: eww no
-- Cuss: fuck no ;]
-- Sing: yeah ?
-- Take a shower everyday: duh .
-- Have a crush(es): of course
-- Do you think you've been in love: yesh
-- Excited to go to college or university?: oh yeah
-- Like high school: school is dumb
-- Want to get married: one day
-- Believe in yourself: sometimes
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes
-- Think you're attractive: no
-- Think you're a health freak: ha i wish
-- Get along with your parents: most of the time
-- Like thunderstorms: no way
-- Play an instrument: used to play the tuba back in middle school , haha
LEVEL SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yup
-- Smoked: ..yeah
-- Made out: yes
-- Gone on a date: nah
-- Gone to the mall: today and a few days ago
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: uhh , gross
-- Eaten sushi: sick
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Been dumped: not uh
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: nope
-- Stolen anything: stealing is for losers
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: hell yeah
-- Been caught "doing something": umm no ?
-- Been called a tease: nope
-- Gotten beaten up: fighting is dumb
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no
-- Age you hope to be married: i dont know ?
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 4 , dont know names ?
-- Describe your dream wedding: the best
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college/university?: UGA
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: pharmacist or teacher
-- What country would you most like to visit: costa rica
LEVEL NINE: In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color? blue or green
-- Best hair color? dirty blonde or brown
-- Short or long hair: both look good
-- Height: tall
-- Best weight: 150-160
-- Best articles of clothing: hott
-- Best first date location: beach or dinner
-- Best first kiss location: beach
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: friends , boyfriend , and family
-- Number of CDs: i dont know ?
-- Number of piercings: ears and belly button
-- Number of tattoos: zero
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: dont know ?
-- Number of scars on my body: good good , like 100 ?
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: theres a few
Favorites <33
1. gum: bubble gum
2. restaurant: longhorn or bonzai <3
3. drink: coke or water
4. season: summer
5. type of weather: hott
6. emotion: happy
7. what to do on a half day: beach , fo sho
9. sport: football and motocross is cool .
11. store: hollister
_______When was the last time you_______
12. cried: when my kitten died
13. played a sport: last year
14. laughed: a few minutes ago
15. hugged someone: today
16. kissed someone: today
19. faked sick: i dont think i ever have
20. lied: im not a liar
_______What was the last_______
21. word you said: said
22. thing you ate: taco bell :]
23. song you listened to: mixed cd
24. thing you drank: pepsi
25. place you went to: the movie store
26. movie you saw: charlie & the chocolate factory
27. movie you rented: the shining
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. hugged: parker
29. cried over: i dont know ?
30. kissed: parker
31. danced with: lindy
32. shared a secret with: one of my bestfriends im sure .
33. had a sleepover with: lindy
34. called: mom
35. went to a movie with: parker
36. saw: lindy
37. were angry with: parker
38. couldn't take your eyes off of: i dont know ?
39. obsessed over: haha
_______Have you ever_______
40. danced in the rain: yeah
41. kissed someone: yes
42. smoked: yes
43. drank alcohol: yes
46. gone too far on a dare: no
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yeh
48. taken a survey quite like this before: nah but i like it
_______My life_______
49. name: randi jo
50. gender: girl
51. birthday: april 15
52. relationship status: taken
53. nationality: white
54. occupation: babysitting
55. i'm feeling: bored
56. i'm listening to: my brother and his friend watching tv
57. i'm doing: the survey ? dur
58. i'm talking to: lindy
59. i'm craving: nothin
60. i'm thinking of: my ugly hair cut :/
61. i'm hating: my hair cut
62. love is: great <3
63. my first love: parker joseph dubois
64. my current love: parker
65. love or lust: love
66. best love song: hmm idk ?
68. when love hurts: i bawl my eyes out
69. is there such thing as love at first sight: probably
_______Opposite sex_______
70. turn ons: eyes , body , smile , sense of humor
71. turn offs: smoking , ick .
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: nah
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into? long
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you? open the car door
75. where do you go to meet new people? other people
76. are you the type of person to HOLLa and ask for numbers? no im a shy one
_______Picky picky_______
77. dog or cat: dog
78. short or long hair: dont matter
79. sunshine or rain: sunshine
80. hugs or kisses: both
81. summer or winter: summer
82. written letters or e-mails: written letters
83. playstation or nintendo: nintendo was the shit back in the day
84. car or motorcycle: car
85. house party or club: house party
86. sing or dance: both
87. freak or slow dance: both
88. how are you today? pissed at my freakin hair !
89. what pants are you wearing right now? hollister bermuda shorts
90. what shirt are you wearing right now? a pink shirt
91. what does your hair look like at the moment? in a messy bun cause it looks like shit .
92. what song are you listening to right now? none
93. how is the weather right now? cool and dusk
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone? parker
95. whats the thing on your mind? how full i am .