The picture doesn't have a whole lot to do with my update I just thought it was a beautfiul picture and I just really wanted to say that I'm really going to miss Idina Menzel as Elphaba. Her performance meant a lot to me but I know she is moving on to bigger and better things and I hope one day I can possess one tenth of the talent and grace she has displayed onstage at the Gershwin in the past year and a half. The picture also reminds me of the great memories I have associated with Wicked and the many more I hope to have in the future.
Aaanyways. SO I really miss New York. I'm really torn because on the one hand I'm really content here and I love seeing my friends but on the other hand I just really want to get back and see my Waggies and just jump into the next semester. Which I find slightly ironic since in the past I could give two hoots about going back to school but now I just really want to get back and dive in. This week has been sort of humdrum (does anyone really use that word anymore??). I have mainly been watching Popular for most of it which if you haven't seen it, it is the BEST tv show in the world!! Ok maybe not the best but it's up there. Don't worry I'll get you guys hooked when I get back to school- rest assured. Anyways we also had Academy alumni day which was really great. At first I was dreading going back because last time I went back I was filled with an intense longing to return there. But after alumni day I was able to realize how I'm building a new future and that Academy while safe, would just hold me back. I'm finally at a really good place and I have my closure.
Also this has been a big theatre weekend for me. I ended up seeing two shows: Bad Dates at Hartford Stage and Pacific Overtures in NY. Both were incredible in different ways. Bad Dates was like a really good episode of Sex and the City. During the show I couldn't help thinking how much the writer had pilfered from that show but then I realized that Sex and the City tells the stories of all single people and that while Bad Dates was writing in a similar vein it had a completely different agenda. I really enjoyed it and it made me miss Hartford Stage a lot. Pacific Overtures was similarly stunning as well. I mean hey its Sondheim so its pretty impossible to fuck it up. But it was a really enjoyable show and I was soo happy to have seen it.
This week doesn't hold a heck of a lot in store for me- mainly saying goodbyes and tying up loose ends. But I'm going to enjoy it while I can and I hope the rest of you do the same.