Feb 02, 2015 09:19
So I think the interview went really well Friday afternoon. The manager said she loved my application and has high hopes for me if I get hired. She even said she would put me through management training asap if I was a good cashier. The only problem was with my availability. But that will change once I can make sure that Nick can handle Zap on his own again. She seemed really happy with me so I feel really confident. They'll be calling back this afternoon to tell me whether I get a final interview on Tuesday and am hired or not. *crosses fingers* Here's hoping!
I really hate how Nick's social security check is never put into our account on the same day. They told us it would be in the first of every month and it changes every month. I can understand that it wasn't put in yesterday cos it was a Sunday, but it's not even in there now. It probably won't be in til tomorrow. Ugh. I really want to buy the Backstreet Boys documentary that just came out! And I want to buy my own copy of Advanced Warfare so I don't have to keep playing on his Xbox.
It's snowing and the sun is out. So sick of Cincinnati weather.
Now to stop typing bc I think it's too loud and is waking Zap up. Shhhhhh!!!!