Title: Untitled
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don’t own obviously....they’d be running around the pitch naked if I did.
Characters: Wayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo
A/N: Based on the fabulous art that
karneol_vision posted last week. I just had to write something. Besides, I miss this pairing so much it hurts!
Wayne smiled happily as he looked down at the young man sprawled across his chest. Cristiano’s eyes were closed and there was a hint of a smile on his soft lips as he pressed close. His glossy black hair-for once not fully of styling products-fell across his forehead and his bare skin was warm against the older man’s. He looked, if it were possible, even more perfect in slumber than he did when fully awake. The thought of a Greek god crossed Wayne’s mind and he smiled bigger.
He lifted one hand to lightly touch Cristiano’s cheek, loving the feeling of the smooth skin.
"Wayne," came a low mumble from pouty pink lips, "Go back to sleep..."
"Shut up," Cristiano ordered, snuggling closer.
Still smiling, Wayne closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.