May 16, 2006 07:27
I'm done with three out of four classes. But the next one is the one I need to worry about..I've barely studied it so far, so all of today will be dedicated to Finance, no excuses. Gotta memorize so many damn formulae and do practice problems. He's said we have to answer four out of eight questions so we don't really have to revise some topics if we don't want to ... but I doubt that, so...14 weeks of revision, here I come.
Yesterday's final wasn't too bad..though all of us essentially answered the questions by writing everything we knew, and then at the end saying what it had to do with the question. Hopefully Stephen will grade it fair..and by fair, I mean give me an A on it so I might be able to get an A- in the class. After my final, I went out to lunch with Randeep and Chelsea, had me probably my last meal of Fish & Chips, and then went to the most useless Islam & The West'd think that since it was our last class and all we were essentially doing was turning in our essay, he'd just let us do that and leave early. However, that really wasn't the case. Let's talk for an hour about how we loved going to the museum last week, and how we saw our professor and the curator pretty much have a private date with us just in the background listening to them talking. So that's exactly what we did. He finally let us out at 3 after an hour of class in which all of us fell asleep..and because of that, I came home and relaxed for the rest of the day. Slept at like 8:30 last night since I was so dead tired...and woke up at like 6 this morning. Good sleep. Unfortunately I think today will be drinking Redbull and that's it.
Been listening to a whole bunch of old songs from like middle school and high school and just ridin' on the memories from addition to having a bunch of people I went to middle school with who are like 3 years younger than me friending me on Facebook. It's funny to see them all older and everything, going to Proms, etc.
Anybody remember Dr. Dre's Xxplosive? Erykah Badu stole the beat and made that song that was irritating as hell with it right after the cd came like 7th-8th grade for me. Point is, the original song is the shit, makes you think of the summer--the hot weather, playin ball every day, chillin with friends, all the little shit too...wakin up early and smelling the air, mowing the lawn, hittin the gym up, goin to temple. Funny, a song about weed and girls does that.
Now its Fabolous's Breathe...haha..freshman year in the cold ass weather, drinking 40s and getting wasted. What a ridiculous/bad time.
Summer before college though...the cd which was definitely getting mad rotation on my way to APL, and all of that shit..Lil Flip's "U Gotta Feel Me"...I played that shit every day before I went to the restaurant and was a while ago, almost fuckin halfway done with college..well undergraduate studies at least. I've had this damn LJ for like a good 3 years now I think. It's so weird to go back and read what I was thinking back then, who I chilled with, what we did, the drama and beef which pretty much defined Roosevelt..well..high school in general I suppose. Glad that's all over...
Aite enough of that. I think I need to do mad laundry today since I don't really have time to do it on Thursday or Friday. And fuckin shit, they haven't emailed us and told us when the bus is going to come pick us up on Saturday, even though we have to clear out of the apartment by 10 AM. Which I really need to do anyway to catch my flight at, get me a bus at 8AM! Or earlier, don't even matter..I'll have the opportunity to read the paper or something. Waiting at airports is my profession...
Was talkin to my friend from UVA yesterday about not being able to wait to see Dulles Airport from the Windows of the plane. Just being able to recognize the runway from a few miles away, and see the tower and everything, and then all of the little shit, getting out of the plane, going to the weird buses and getting transported to Immigration, making a bee-line for the "US Passports Only" line, and then heading out of baggage claim..then finally to the arrivals hall. Can you tell I'm excited? Apparently it's going to rain the day I land..though lets hope the forecast changes and it turns into summer weather with the quickness.
Anyway, not much else going on over here, as per usual. Gotta study study. Save me.