May 23, 2006 00:47
Word is out about how well we treat our cats. They just start walking in now.
Seriously, I went outside to feed one of the strays we've been taking care of- never lets me pet him or get very close to him- I accidentally leave the door cracked and what does he do? Walks right in completely unprovoked. What am I supposed to do? Say "bad kitty" and throw him out? He is so sweet he loves to curl up in my lap and snuggle. We took him to the vet today and he tested negative for feline leukemia/aids. He's staying overnight and will be neutered tomorrow. It's like.. I want him to have a good home and part of me would like to put him up for adoption but I just don't think I can. And most of the people around here are like "Yeah I've had fifteen cats in the past year- but I only gots TWO now. That's okay I gaves em good lives even if they did get run over/attacked by a dog/ beaten to death by my children after only living one and a half years." Jesus get the HELL away from me.
Anyways he's solid black and has lost a lot of fur- the vet thinks its stress induced or flea bite dermatitis (basically meaning they're allergic to fleas). She seems to think he's a little older as well. I do feel terrible for him I think someone must have either dumped him or he wondered away. And if he had been neutered I would have put an ad out saying that we'd found a cat- but whoever had him before couldn't have been taking very good care of him. So he's ours now.
Oh Bast why do you continue to send this loyal servant your children? At least give me some more money so I can put a fence up for them. Or hire a maid..