May 27, 2004 22:05
Well so far my week has been the usual get up at 7 am to go to birds class. The bird count as of today (Thursday 5/27/04) is 76 birds. We are a long ways from 120 but there is still a chance, I did not hear a fat lady sing yet so it's all good. Today in birds class I got pissed though, we had our 2nd test, the firsat one I got a perfect 17 out of 17 and this time the test was over 40 birds. What sucked about it was that many of the birds looked a lot alike, especially all those damn sparrows (ugh!) and the birds that I was sure about and even looked up twice were wrong. Oh well, on a more positive note, attendance is worth more than those dumb little tests so I should be ok. Other than that, my workouts have been awesome this week and my intensity has been taken to another level when I have been working out so that makes me feel good. I worked out my legs on WED for the first time in literally 6 months, and did squats for the first time in 9 or 10 months, I guess I was just so obessessed with making my upper body big that I neglected my lower body and thus decided that i want to not only be big in my upper body but lower as well. Well, I am going to go take a shower and go to bed soon, my journal entires will be longer this weekend since I work the desk a ton. Lauren was a great girlfirend tonight (like always) and bought me food at mcdonalds, man I love her so much... got to go talk to ya later.. peace out