Some of my Asterisk servers (against all reason, it seems) are AsteriskNOW servers - which recently updated their asterisk16 branch to
chan_gtalk, and res_jabber - modules for installing Jabber and Gtalk access are missing. As I’ve learned, Asterisk Modules have to be built on the exact same platform/compile time switches as the asterisk executable, so the only way I could get these modules was to recompile by source.
I had planned to ditch the AsteriskNOW packages, but I ended up modifying the packages to include these modules instead. These should install (somewhat seamlessly) over your current AsteriskNOW release. (The biggest issue is if you have other modules installed - they’ll have to be rebuilt. For Skype, install the -devel package, then rebuilt Skype from source direct from Digiums site.)
This repackage is a bit of a kludge, and will break ODBC or Speex.
Checkout my Repository - - for the packages.
Below is a diff of the SPEC file. I told you it was kludgy.
< %define arelease 1_centos5 --- > %define arelease 2_centos5
> # Disable non functioning modules for -2 arch build
> %define _without_odbc 1
> %define _without_speex 1
> # Chan Gtalk/Jabber subpackage
> #
> %{?_without_gtalk:%if 0}
> %{!?_without_gtalk:%if 1}
> %package gtalk
> Summary: Gtalk Jabber Channel module for Asterisk
> Group: Utilities/System
> Provides: asterisk-gtalk
> Provides: asterisk%{astapi}-gtalk
> BuildRequires: iksemel-devel
> Requires: iksemel
> Requires: %{name}-core = %{actversion}-%{release}
> %description gtalk
> Asterisk channel plugin for Google Talk, and res plugin for Jabber
> %endif
> #
> # from source/contrib/scripts
> # Chan Gtalk/Jabber subpackage
> #
> %{?_without_gtalk:%if 0}
> %{!?_without_gtalk:%if 1}
> %files gtalk
> %defattr(-, root, root)
> %{_libdir}/asterisk/modules/
> %{_libdir}/asterisk/modules/
> %{_libdir}/asterisk/modules/
> %{_libdir}/asterisk/modules/
> %endif
> #
> * Fri Apr 23 2010 Rizwan Kassim -
> - Created additional package for Google Talk/Jabber client
> - Because these binaries don't match up with the Asterisk Released ones - will need to upgrade as many packages as possible
> - No spec file released for skype4asterisk, so just install manually form after asterisk-16-devel is updated.
> - Grep asterisk log for 'compile-time' for other possible module errors.
> * Thu Apr 13 2010 Jason Parker -
> - Update to
> - Assuming same details as in the past - Date is from SRPM
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The Second Order Effect.