Kanda: Lavi! *Winces softly, glaring up at the redhead, then to Allen.* Let me go! What are you plotting? Whatever it is I do NOT like it. Not one little bit!
Lavi: ~rolls his eyes.~ Juuuuust ooopen it. Or I will~ ~smirksmirk~
Kanda: *Growls and tears the paper angrily away, opening the box to hold up the garment.* What the fuck is this? *The curse is quite audible thought the door to the other guests.*
Yukari: -_-;... He's so eloquent.
Allen:: ~~giggles~ Try it on~!
Kanda: You have GOT to be joking! No FUCKING WAY!
Yukari: *covers Rae's ears so he doesn't hear the endless cursing*
Naoji: *Cheeks colour a soft pink at the cursing coming from the other room.*
Lavi: ~Sees the outfit - mostly the hot pants and smirks.~ We could put it on for you Yuu~ <3
Kanda: NO! I am NOT Wearing that... Thing!
Rae : -Blinks, sucking on lolli, oblivious.-
Kurai: *Is in a fit of laughter on the floor.*
Allen:: ~smirks~ Don't be shy otherwise you'll have with trouble it while we play ^^;;;
Kanda: *Kicks with his good foot, trying to keep them away.* I AM NOT WEARING THAT! No! *Manages to get up off the bed, but he hasn't got his crutches, so he can't walk without putting weight on his foot.*
Lavi: Aw c'mon Yuu. Think of all the hard work Allen put in. ~shifts and nudges Kanda back down onto the bed, moving very quickly to straddle him.~
Allen:: I even had to take your measurements while you were asleep~~
Kanda: I'll kill you both! I swear! *Bites back a soft groan as Lavi straddles him.* If you want sex again soon then you'd better get off me! *Now he's getting reeeeally angry.* OFF!
Lavi: See Yuu, I figure you're gonna give me sex when you see my gift to you~ ~slides his hands up to push Kanda's shirt up, leaning to nip against his nipple before pulling the short off completely.~
Kanda: DAMN YOU! *Fights a losing battle, especially with his leg the way it is, he's got no chance of winning, though he might have a chance if he was in perfect health.*
Yukari: ... *sighs, leaning against Rae*
Naoji: *Silently hoping Kanda isn't going to murder them all in their sleep.*
Rae : -Smiles and looks up at Yukari.-
Yukari: *glances at her cellphone's time* ._.; Eclipse-san is going to murder me if I keep you out late. Let's take you home then, okay Rae?
Rae : Awww -pouts.- But...I dun wanna goooo!!
Lavi: ~with Allen's help he quickly gets Kanda into the outfit and then stands back.~ I have to commend you on those hot pants Allen... fuck wow.
Yukari: I know,... but I'll take you shopping this weekend to make up for it. >:3 *gets up and takes his hand*
Nuriko: How about I show you lots of pictures soon, Rae-chan?
Allen:: It fits perfectly~~~!!!! ~sparkles~
this is Allen's present to Kanda >D]***
Rae : Really? -Giggles.- Yea! Let's go shopping. -Smiles over at Nuriko as he holds Yukari's hand.- Okay~~!
Yukari: *smiles slightly* I'll be back, Nuri. Take pictures of anything I miss, ne? >:3
Kanda: *Growls, stuck in the creepy outfit, which is horribly tight and itchy.* I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. Beansprout. *His voice is low, venomous and horribly dangerous.*
Rae : Bye bye everyone~~!
Nuriko: I will! Definitely! *Ruffles Rae's hair.* Bye Rae-chan!
Allen:: But you have to admit, it looks good
Yukari: *walks out with Rae, still holding onto his hand tightly because she's in a clingy state of mind 8D*
Kanda: Like the FUCK it does! *growls again.* Fine, you win, now get me out of this thing now!
Lavi: No way. After the struggle we had to get you in it. It's fucking hot Yuu. ~smirks~ Keep it on~ ~puppy eyes~
Allen:: ~turns away, knowing the evil of Lavi's puppy eyes~
Kanda: *Growls.* DAMN IT! Fine, I don't give a fuck, help me up NOW!
Allen:: I'm still working on the shoes Kanda. What size are you?
Lavi: ~WINS!!~ Okay~ ~helps Kanda up and back through to the other room, grinning from ear to ear, unable to help but sneak a grope at Kanda's ass~
Allen:: Everyone~! I give you.... Kanda Yuu~!!!!
Kanda: Like Hell I'm telling you! *Growls again as Lavi helps him up, cheeks a brilliant shade of red as he gets dragged back into the other room in the weird outfit.* Get your hand off my ASS!
Kurai: *Collapses again in a fit of hysterical laughter.*
Allen:: ~sneaks over to the closet to check Kanda's shoe size~ Ah~
Lavi: ~Smirks.~ Yanno, if you say that louder, everyone downstairs might actually hear you too. And since when did it bother you~?
Naoji: *Coughs, biting back a soft chuckle in favour of his usual politeness, though it seems a bit of a difficult task, he still manages it.*
Kanda: Since you forced me to wear fucking HOTPANTS! *Growls, sitting down on the sofa once he's within a safe distance to, and hauls a blanket up over his lower half.*
Nuriko: *Has already snapped a picture.*
Lavi: Coulda been worse~~ Coulda been another dress~~ <3<3 ~smirks and tugs the blanket away.~
Allen:: Can I have a copy of it?!!!
Kanda: *Growls, engaged in a tug of war over the blanket with Lavi.*
Nuriko: Of the picture? Sure you can! *giggles*
Lavi: ~tugs hard on the blanket.~ Yuu just hand it over~ ~grin~
Allen:: Do you like the outfit I made???
Kanda: *Growls, his face still as red as Lavi's hair, and lets go of the blanket, if only because Lavi tears it out of his grasp.* Fuck!
Hokuto: [sashays through the door] I'm heeeeere~
Yukari: *comes back inside, walking into the living room* Oh, you're out of the bedroom no-- *SNORT* I.... I see you changed. *puts her hands over her mouth to not burst out into laughter* It's beautiful, darling~~.
Lavi: ~grins and hides the blanket away over by the rabbit cage, apologising to them quietly before returning to Kanda.~
Nuriko: *Skips over to the door.* Hokuto-chan! Just in time! *Still giggling.*
Hokuto: Kanda-san! Happy birthday! You look amazing! [to Nuriko] It's lovely to see you!
Kanda: *Gives every single person in the room a murderous glare.*
Allen:: ~bows~ thank you
Lavi: ~seats himself in Kanda's lap.~ Cheer up. Could be worse~ <3
Yukari: You made his outfit, Allen-san? :3 *impressed*
Hokuto: That's some serious talent, Allen-san.
Nuriko: *Giggles* You too! You came just in time to see Kanda wearing Allen's lovely gift!*
Kurai: *Is dying with laughter.*
Hokuto: I'm so glad I made it! He would never have worn it again, either, would he?
Kanda: No, I don't think it could be. *Growls to himself and crosses his arms.* Fine, now what? No more fucking crazy shit like this!
Allen:: ~smiles~ Thanks. It took me so long to make it
Nuriko: Not likely. I have a feeling poor Allen's handiwork is going to be mutilated by the end of the evening. *Giggle* All the better to get pictures now!
Hokuto: Wonderful idea! [whips out camera] Say 'cheese', Kanda-san!
Lavi: ~leans to kiss along Kanda's neck and ear in apology.~ It could be worse. People you work with could be here~ ~chuckles~
Allen:: Nope. He'll be wearing it when we play live :P
Kanda: *Looks up to see Hokuto, sighing in defeat, but then hears Allen's words.* I AM NOT WEARING THIS IN PUBLIC! NO WAY, NO HOW, NOT A FUCKING CHANCE IN HELL!
Yukari: *totally took a picture with her cellphone* >:3
Allen:: It took me hours of toil to make that~~~!
Lavi: ~smirks and chuckles again.~
Kanda: Too fucking bad! I'm ripping it to shreds later! *Not impressed. At all.*
Lavi: ~lowers his voice to a murmur~ No you're not. Allen put a lot of work into it and I plan to take a long time to carefully remove it~ ~smirk~
Allen:: ~bubbles~ But I spent so long making it especially for you