Characters: Hikaru (
visual_idol) and Kaoru (
Date/Time: Saturday, March 1st, afternoon-ish
Location: A pet store!
Rating: G unless the Hitachiins are more twisted than I thought O_O
Summary: Hikaru and Kaoru have decided they want a pet, this time of the animal variety. <3
While they didn't live at home anymore and have mansions and acres of land around them, Hikaru thought they were doing pretty well for themselves really. He and Kaoru had their apartment, which was nice and spacious, and even had a spare bedroom, and besides that, he would have been perfectly happy just living in a box somewhere as long as his brother was with him.
But still; they'd been talking and decided that they wanted a pet. It was one of those spur-of-the-moment decisions that the Hitachiin twins were practically known for... which was what lead to them spending their Saturday finding the local pet store (there was one relatively close to them, and another across town, so the closer one was first of course), and excitedly looking around for something that would fit into their household and lifestyle.
"Kaoru, Kaoru~" They were both excited, as their parents had never allowed them pets back home, and Hikaru couldn't help bouncing a bit and tugging on Kaoru's hand as he leaned over to peer into a pen containing rabbits and guinea pigs. "Look, the white rabbit is looking at me!"