Dec 04, 2004 14:27
welll hmmm. today i went to scottish rite to do some service hours. i still need 2 more! grrr. im talking to leslie and vanessa right now :) were talking about boys of course. jeeesus i love her.
haha that was fun. i met ashlees mom and brother yesterday at school. me and her are twins..but im 5 months older than her. exactly. my goal for next year is to make friends with jim a. because hes gorgeous! and dillion a. aaaah! i cant wait. so anywho. my life is still really sucky right now. i might get a new cell phone for chrsitmas or earlier..but that ill im going to get. no clothes or anything else. im pretty sure im taking drivers ed with kaitie wiley in january which should be interesting huh?
cahills a dick and a liar! i cant believe him. GGGGUUHH! dfjsakfjewifjdklajfdslkajfdslksafjdm,zmfewiaekdjscmksdldjfmksslafda