Title: I Love You
Genre: angst
Pairing: Taeyeon/Kangin, Taeyeon/Leeteuk
Everybody give a confuse-face to Taeyeon. all the member staring at her in a dining room. 8 eyes spy on her. Taeyeon eats a lot of food.even she surpass 2 member shikshin limit. Taeyeon watch a comedy all day. If Jessica want to watch drama film, she don’t allow it. Even when Tiffany ask her to drink a coffee, she reject it. All the member is always ask what’s going on with her. But Taeyeon always said nothing happen to her. When the other is spending day in amusement park, she don’t come with them. She being lonely girl this week.
The day is come. Her birthday
Still not change. She keep being like that. Even when the girls give birthday surprise, she only smile without another expression
Until someone Is calling
“who is this?”
“guess who! Hohohoho”
“KANGIN OPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I MISS YOU !I think I won’t celebrate my birthday with you this year ! I miss you oppa. Seriously!”
Taeyeon burst tears into tears
“Kim Taeyeon! Don’t cry my little dongsaeng. I will always celebrate your birthday whenever it is” Kangin said it with big laugh
“ya! You now relationship with Leeteuk hyung? Wow! Is that true? Omg I think, I will be so last year now!”
“No…….oppa. I’m not……..i…i…”
“okay don’t lie to me. Btw I must get back to work. Military stuff is hard you know. Bye Taeyeon-ah! Happy birthday”
Kangin hang up the phone
“no. I’m not oppa. Because I only love you. more than oppa-dongsaeng relationship”