
Feb 11, 2008 09:31

Had a busy weekend. Friday was a fucking fiasco at work. I had all kinds of shit to buy, and my dad and Janae decided to leave at noon to drive out to Vegas for the weekend, leaving just Tami in the office. This might be fine, but Tami's computer refuses to print more than a few inches of any print job. This makes issuing Purchase Orders somewhat difficult.

Spent about 30-45 minutes preparing for the estates meeting before driving home to collect my stuff to drive over to Ottis' place. Got there about 9PM, went out for some coffee. (Well, I got some kind of juice thing.) Then we spent a few hours trying to play CoD4 together. Activision really needs to get their shit together on those servers.

Got to bed a little after midnight, woke up on my own about 8. I tried to go back to sleep, and I was partially successful. My alarm went off at 9 and I got up to get ready for the event. Fortunately, Matt decided he'd make some pancakes, so I got a decent breakfast before getting dressed and running over to the event (fortunately, just down the road).

The event was good. Very well-attended. Dame Aoife's knighting ceremony went well, and I was glad to see it. The tournaments were fun. I was tied for first with Sir Cagar for most of the ren tournament, at one death a piece. Leave it to my knight and Sir Coda to both get zero deaths and remove us from the running. Jerks. :-)

Estates meeting, blah blah blah. A little over three hours. Surprisingly, we actually voted yes on a few things. Got back to Ottis' again about 9:30, to find Andrea's birthday party in full swing. Halo 3 going on in the living room, CoD4 in the bedrooms. I grabbed a quick shower before joining the girls for some (very expensive) tequila. I matched their drinking, but of course they are much lighter than I. So I got a nice buzz, but they were absolutely smashed. Since no one else seemed to be overly concerned, I hung around them for a while to help make sure they didn't fall over or hurt themselves. (Not to entirely discount the value of watching three hot girls fall over each other on the floor.) Eventually they all passed out in Ottis' bed and I went out to play some Rock Band before going to bed myself. (But not after an invitation to Ottis to join me, since his bed was occupied. I understand he managed to wedge himself in somehow.)

Woke up in the morning to more pancakes, then several hours of Rock Band. Then we watched The Departed before heading out for dinner and some hanging out at the coffee shop.

Busy weekend, but fun. Now I'm tired as hell though, heh.

Well, shit. Back to work I guess. I think I might try to go to sleep on time tonight. (It sucks that "on time" means 8:30, assuming I want 8 hours of sleep.)
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