Mar 12, 2007 23:01
Went through and tallied my points into the "Steps to Knighthood" spreadsheet. I had printed them out before, but I don't do well with paper and long since lost them. In some cases I've had to search back through e-mails to figure out where I sit. The imperial records are way off in some cases (such as the Huntsman EP I was given in the middle of last year).
I'm closest in Combat. I need 3 more participations, 3 demos (one of which will be Wayzegoose), and my win.
Next closest is Ministry. I need 5 more participations, 4 DIs, and a war participation. The overwhelming majority of my ministry points are missing from the imperial records.
After that comes Archery. I'm not as close here as I'd thought, because I forgot that Bowman EPs max out. So I still need my two wins, 10 participations, and 3 demo participations (assuming that Dame Willow decided that my discussing archery at the Riverside demo didn't count).
Dead last is arts. I have two demo participations. Woo.
There may well be things I'm missing. Demos and collegia that I've forgotten about. (I think I got them all.) There are also a few that I don't know how to place, like the "Armor 101" collegium. Is it arts or combat? Did I get any points for attending the 12th Night Feast? I imagine the estates meetings fall under the points I get for being a house sire.
It's a shame points don't stack. :-P