Save Me

Jun 01, 2011 19:14

disclaimer: i don't own 2PM... yet.

a/n: i love you, Eena. :)

The cool midnight breeze blows on Taec’s face as he walks on the empty street. He wasn’t really sure where he was going but he kept strolling anyway. His mind is still in a blur when he realized his feet dragged him to what the city calls “The Promise” bridge. There he sees a young man, in his early 20’s maybe, with a remarkably fashionable sense of style, at the railing of the bridge. He focuses his sight on the figure as he hastens walking towards him.

The ocean seems to be calling Junsu. He hears the saccharine melody from the deep, luring him to take a plunge. ‘No one cares anymore anyway.’ He closes his eyes as tears flowed on his cheeks. Just as he moved his left foot forward, a calm voice breaks the silence “hey…” His reflexes order him to bring his foot back at the railing as he looks at his intruder. “Go away!!” Junsu spats at the man staring intently at him. “Wait… Why don’t we do it together?!” Taec removed his shoes and stepped into the railing. “These are nice shoes; someone should use them when I’m gone. Yours are nice too. Take them off so those who don’t have shoes will benefit from them.” The younger man smiled at the stranger. “What?! Get the fuck out of here!! Go die somewhere else. I was here first! This is my spot!!” Junsu’s voice hinted annoyance and frustration. “Come on, at least you won’t have to die alone… Do you want to hold hands while we jump?!” Taec beamed showing his countless white teeth. “Urgh! Fine, you take this place… I’ll go somewhere else. Junsu gives up and goes down from the railing. Taec sighs in relief “I think you just need someone to talk to.” Just as he was about to jump off the railing, his socks caused him to slip, making him fall off from the bridge and into the ice cold ocean. Junsu slightly panics, calling for the ambulance. How the hell did someone else fall off the bridge instead of me?He wonders as he waits for help to arrive.

Taec wakes up with a massive headache, feeling like a ship docked over his head. His entire body is weak and his right leg with cast. He tries to remember how he got there. Then he sees a man, the same man he last saw and everything flashes back before him. Taec smiles at him brightly, it almost blinded Su. “What are you smiling about?! You almost died last night!!! That’s what you get for butting into other people’s business!” Junsu’s voice resonated inside the room. “I’m just glad you’re alive and well…” Taec replies calmly as he stretches his hand and places it over Junsu’s. Taken aback, the older boy withdraws his hand quickly as his cheeks turned red. “I never got to introduce myself. I’m Taecyeon. And you are?” Taec inquires “I’m… outta here! Oh and the medical bills have been taken care of. Yes, you’re welcome…”Junsu heads to the door. “WAIT!!! In case to need someone to talk to: 1056766123.” He shouts the last digits as he lost sight of the older man. Junsu leans at the wall by Taec’s room. He punches the dials of his phone and presses save. <-- (a/n: this reminds me of Jason on DH when he was outside Pilsuk’s room, listening to her sing :3)

A few weeks later, Taec’s cast is removed and he is almost back to normal. He heads out and looks for a street food shop to fill his hunger when his phone starts ringing loudly. It is an unfamiliar number. “Hello?’ He greets. There was nothing but silence on the other line. About a minute or so, Taec hears the dial tone. He stares at the number blankly and presses ‘call’. “I know who you are… Do you want to talk about it now?” He listens, hoping he’ll get a response. “You can pretend I’m not even here. And truthfully, I don’t know you well enough to judge you… So what are you really afraid of?” Taec goes on, convincing the older man to share his concealed sentiments. “I MISS HIM!!!” Junsu blurted out with a choked voice. “I need him in my life, He is the only reason I’m breathing…” he continues wailing. “I’m pretty sure oxygen’s what keeps you breathing… and you have to thank your healthy lungs too.” He tries his best not hold his laugh. “But seriously, did you ever try to recall your life before you meet him? What kept you busy? Who did you used to hang out with before you got together? What was your life before him?” Taec probes deeper on their conversation wondering how he ended up lending an ear to someone he barely knew.
“You wouldn’t understand, nobody ever does…” Junsu’s voice weakens as he wipes his tears. “Hey, I’m eating ddukbokki right now, do you want some? I’m at a tent right across this red bricked apartment in 1st street.” Taec invites the older man on the other line. “I guess so, it’s kinda cold outside though…” Junsu says. “All the more reason to get drunk!” Taec’s lips widens before he realizes he was smiling.

Junsu arrives and sees the scruffy giant at a table looking towards him. It feels a little weird coming out at this hour just to see a man he barely knows. But something about the younger man had him convinced that he could be trusted. Was it his greasy smile? The creases that run through his cheeks? Or the gentle nature he radiates? Junsu can’t place a finger on it. “You’re here! Take a seat…” Taec beams like that first time he saw him on the bridge. Su sat right across him as he rubbed his hands together and placed them on his cheeks. “Gimme your hand…” Taec reaches out. Junsu throws him a doubtful look. “I’m not gonna rape you…” The younger man reads Su’s hesitance. He took his hand and placed a hot pack. “Stay warm. You always seem cold.” Taec comments. “I’m always cold. And lonely…”Junsu replies as he looks down with a frown. “Then let’s drink until we’re all warmed up!” Taec said with a cheery tone.

“Just one more!!!” Junsu insists as Taec removes the shot of soju from the older man’s hand. “No… You’re already drunk! I don’t even know where you live.” Taec lifts Junsu and supports half of his body. He shoves his hand inside his pocket, takes all his money, sighs and puts it on the table.

This will never work, Taec thinks as he circles his arm around Su’s limpy stature. He stretches, readying himself as he lifts Junsu and gives him a piggy back. Su smiles behind him and buries his head on Taec’s neck. “You smell really nice.” Su sniffs him like a puppy and Taec swears he felt Su’s tongue which caused him to shiver a bit.

“Did I ever mention to you that I’m gay?” Su blurts out of nowhere as he pressed his lips on Taec’s warm skin. “Really? I never would have guessed.” Taec responds coolly. “Well, I am. Are you scared?” the older man tightens his grip around Taec’s neck and presses himself closer. “I’m not scared or anything. And I’m pretty sure you can’t rape me in this state.” Taec chuckles lightly. “Are you gay?” Junsu asked “Does it really matter?” The younger man responds in a question. “I’m not sure. I’m just not used to getting attention. This is a first.” Junsu babbles hazily resting his cheek on Taec’s back.

Taec is relieved when they finally reach Junsu’s house. It looked lovely from outside, with a huge cream-colored gate and a nice garden. I was obvious that Junsu’s family are well-endowed. “I guess this is good night. Are you definitely gonna be okay like this?”Taec asks for assurance before he can leave him at the gate of what he claims as his house. “I’m gonna be okay, gonna be okay… I’ll be okay… Baby, without you…” Junsu starts belting out a song out of nowhere while doing an okay sign. “I like that song. 2PM’s an awesome group.” Taec shows his teeth again which shone brightly especially under the moonlight. Junsu, seemingly smitten stares at him in awe. “Go inside and rest well. I’ll see you soon.” Taec pushes him gently inside. Su walks slowly but suddenly stops and turns back. “Wait, Ihave something that belongs to you …” He leans close and tip-toed a bit to level with the taller man. He presses his lips over Taec’s tenderly as he takes his hand and gives him back the hot pack. “I had fun tonight. Thanks for keeping me company.” Su whispers in his ear as he squeezes Taec’s hand before letting go. Su walks back inside their house. Taec is astounded by the occurrence but nevertheless he smiles as he strides on.
Junsu dives into his bed feeling ecstatic. He has never felt anything like this since… Khun. That nappeun namja! He tries to erase him in his mind. Instead, He thinks about Taec and how everything about him makes Su all tingly from within. He isn’t really that drunk and he recalls taking that leap of faith (at the risk of getting punched ~ But he knew Taec isn’t that kind of person) when he kissed him. It felt soooo good! He touches his lips and blushes. Hopefully, their next encounter won’t be awkward.

Taec decides to call Junsu the next day to check on him. “Yes?!” Junsu answers his phone as he rubbed his eyes. “Hangover?” Taec inquires “Just a bit.” Su lies, he was perfectly fine; a bit flushed from an awesome dream he had but other that he is perfectly feeling fine. Su is surprised to hear Taec’s voice first thing in the morning. “Hey, I still don’t know your name…” Taec says “I’d rather you keep guessing…” Junsu teases the younger man. “I’ll get it, one way or another…” Taec utters with a smile from ear to ear.

A couple of weeks later, Taec and Junsu are closer than ever. Although they haven’t clearly identified what exactly they are yet, they seem to have this special bond between them that is hard to explain. None of them have had the chance to talk about it. They’d chat on the phone for hours. Sometimes, about nonsensical things. On other times, about Su’s past lovers and how little love he used to get from people. “Do you still think about him?!” Taec asks one night. “hhmm, not as I used to. Someone else has been occupying my thoughts lately.” Junsu hints “I’m glad you’re not as sulky as you were before.” Taec merely responds. Tapping his fingers on the table, he inquires “Are you really not gay?” Taec giggles soundlessly before he answers “I don’t choose who my heart beats for. Girl, boy, alien, zombie, cat… If It feels right and I’m happy, I’ll go for it.” Junsu feels teary-eyed by Taec’s statement. There just might be a chance for them to happen after all.

Junsu decides to ring Taec one afternoon. “Taec, my parents are out of town for the entire weekend! Do you wanna come over and play?” Su mentions excitedly. “You make me sound like a pre-school. We’re gonna be alone in your house? Like just the two of us?” Taec asks. “Yes. And I don’t rape people. If that’s what you’re worried about.” There was a defensive tone in Su’s reply. “I didn’t mean it that way. Should I bring anything?” Taec didn’t want to come empty handed. “Condoms would be useful.” Junsu teased the younger man but takes it back hurriedly, “You know I was kidding, right?” “I’ll be there by 6PM.” “See you soon!!” Junsu’s stomach twiddles as he heads for the kitchen to prepare.

Taec is front of Junsu’s gate fifteen minutes before six o’ clock in the evening, with a bag of cookies in his hands. He adjusts his jacket, flicks his watch and taps his shoes waiting for the time. Soon enough Junsu appears in front of him. “What are you doing over there? Come in!!” He pulls Taec towards his cosy home.

The younger man looks around Junsu’s house. It’s even more spacious that he imagined it to be. They have a huge LED TV, PS3, WII and other cool equipment. Their dining room is large with a round table for 8 persons. Wow, this guy really has everything! He is marvelled by his surroundings. His heart sinks a little as he thinks of his own state. But Junsu drags him and leads him into his room.
“Thank you for coming. I really thought you’d decline, especially since I joked about the condoms.” He laughs nervously eyeing on Taec’s reaction. “I did bring condoms.” Teac responds, causing Su to turn tomato red. He laughs and adds “gotcha!”

Spending the night inside Junsu’s room after dinner, they play a few games before having a movie marathon. By the 3rd movie, Su feels drowsy and his head is constantly bobbing. Taec leads the older man’s head over his shoulder. He stares at the guy, sleeping soundly right next to him and grains of memories flashes through his head. He gently leans over and gives Su a soft peck in the cheek. Unsatisfied, he moves his lips on over Su’s, tasting him. Junsu stirs as he realizes this. A little surprised but nonetheless elated, he kisses the younger man back.

Taec gently pushes Junsu on the floor as he leans and presses closer to him. He finds the other’s lips and nibbles them lightly. Su responds by pushing his tongue inside Taec’s mouth, flicking it over and over. Taec trails through the older man’s chin, jaw and neck, leaving wet kisses, sucking his way down to his torso. Taec pulls his lover’s shirt up, exploring his chest. He rubs Su’s hardened nipples causing Su to whimper in pleasure. Su tries to buck forward as he feels Taec’s bulge over his. It makes him excited thinking how hot this man is for him. Su places his hands around Taec’s neck. He leans closer towards Taec’s ear and purred softly “please...”

Taec loses his mind when he heard Su’s plea. He takes their clothes off hastily, getting more and more fuelled up by the minute. He sucks Junsu’s collarbones, hoping to hear him purr again. He is graced with the older guy’s melodic moans as his mouth explores south. Stroking Su’s stiff cock, Taec runs his thumb on the tiny slit, making Su tremble helplessly. He smiles, meeting Su’s gaze before he takes him in his mouth. He sucks strongly, suffocating his lover’s erection each time. Junsu grabs the younger man’s hair and pulls them hard. Thrilled by Junsu’s berserk response, he takes him as deep as hid gag reflex could handle. Taec swallow’s all of the creamy goo gushing through Su, licking the tiny drops remaining from the slit.

Junsu quivers with slight exhaustion, but he realizes they weren’t done yet. He takes the initiative to turn back but not before he palmed Taec’s erection, fondling it until pre-cum begins dripping. He flinches as Taec’s fingers moves inside his tight heat. He bites his lips, waiting for the sting to subside. Soon enough, a wave of delight comes through him. He licks his lips and stutters, “m-more… I want your huge hard cock inside me…” Taec obeys and slams himself inside Junsu’s ass. Su screams in pain as he takes time to adjust. Just as the younger man starts moving, Junsu feels tingly sensations. He grinds back as he senses Taec almost reaching his peak. They moved ever so swiftly a few times more before Taec finally comes. They fall in bed when heavy breaths, as Junsu rests his head over his lover’s chest.

“Thank you for everything.” Su breaks the quietness “but most of all for saving me.”Taec kisses his lover’s forehead “You know, I wasn’t lying when I said I would jump with you. Around that time, if you didn’t mind having a suicide buddy, I would have jumped with you” “huh?” Su asks with a confused look. “My parents died that week we met at the bridge, and they left me with a huge debt. I had nothing to live for… But then I saw you, looking so desperate, losing all hope. Despite the hopelessness, I could tell there was something in you worth-saving. It gave me courage. Even though my problems are bigger than yours, somehow helping you gave me hope. Saving you, I unconsciously saved myself too.” Taec smiled radiantly, and Junsu observes how powerful his smile was. “I’m sorry about your situation. I was so shallow and stupid. But I would have never met you if I hadn’t decided to die on that night, at that bridge.” Junsu takes the younger man’s hand. “Do you need a place to stay? How are things?” He looked a bit worried. “I’ll be fine. I’m taking it one step at a time. Everything will fall back in its place, especially now that I have you. I’m slowly standing back up on my own. But I guess I’m not alone now, am I?” Taec squeezed Su slightly. Those last words keep ringing inside Junsu’s ear. He shuts his eyes snuggling closely towards the person he loved the most. “Sleep well, Junsu…” Junsu receives a small peck on the cheeks. He can’t recall when or how Taec finally got to know his name but he realizes he was too happy to care.

It’s funny every time Su remembers it was because he almost died that the found someone worth living and fighting for.


a/n: yeay, i finally finished it. this was not the ending i had in mind.. but i like it too.. :)

taecyeon, fanfiction, junsu, taecsu

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