Jul 22, 2005 23:47
I gave myself a little over 24 hours to regroup and get some things done before I update this journal, but Emei Shan, like so many things here in China was unbelievable. I'd post the journal I wrote while up there, but I figured a 6 page ramble on scenic views, amazing plants, and treacherous and tiring steps would be a little overkill since I write so much on here already. In brief, here are some highlights:
*This was the most exhausting and gruelling hike I've ever endured being out of shape and hampered by a heavy pack and torrential rains that slowed us down.
*Views were stunning despite the poor weather.
*Monkeys are cute and aggressive little bastards who took my FELCO pruners!
*Heavy mists and fog create a almost dream like quality as you rise in elevation.
*Temples and monasteries are packed with people and tourists.
*Accomodations were alright despite having forgotten essentials such as a flashligt, my toothbrush and soap!
We arrived in Chengdu the evening of the 20th and I walked in lab to see David (Chavid), Song, and Yilin look in horror as I walked in exhausted, wreaking with the stench of wet clothes, and my boots and pants caked in mud carrying my backpack, the press (which was NEVER used during the trip as the papers were completely soaked), and my black plastic bag full of plants and seeds. "So Riz, when do we go to Wolong?" David asked chuckling. I gave him a dirty look for asking such an innapropriate question at the time and slammed the press down on the floor and sat down.
Overall the trip went fairly well. I managed to get some great plants and I had another great crew that was patient, extremely helpful and very cooperative despite some unforseen events that I wasn't prepared for. Peter and Sam were great sports despite me being so slow and whiney at times, but we got along well and it's great I got to know them a little more as we all anticipate their arrival in Seattle this fall.
By the way, if I didn't mention earlier, ALL THE SU STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO COME TO SEATTLE NEXT YEAR! Somehow, funding was found and now guys like Sam and Duan Lian are all awaiting their visas and their flight date in September!
So, yeah....that was my Emei experience. If you want to read the entire "novel"...hit me up and I'll forward you the unedited word document.
I'll try to post pics as we had our share of funny moments that I'd like to share with you all!