Dec 26, 2011 22:04
This is a totally pointless post about Birth By Sleep, because I started playing it.
So I waited patiently for no one to be home to finally steal the PSP we are borrowing to play this game. At first, I just wasn't interested. I get very attached to characters in series, and when something comes out with all new characters, I shy away. On top of that, I had already been getting frustrated at this point that the series felt like it was constantly regressing. Why do they keep making filler games, or prequel games? What's wrong with just moving on?
I also have a hard time starting games. It's this way for me with everything, games, movies, TV shows, books, anime series. I'm not sure why. I would always rather read/watch/play something I've played before. BUT I stopped being a pansy and picked it up.
At first I was worried the gameplay would be confusing and annoying, but I discovered this is absolutely NOT the case. Now, I hate it when games are hard. I hate it when it's hard to get to your items, your magic, and especially your heals. I don't want to be scrolling through shit while my HP is one hit from dead trying to find stuff. This game is the most conducive of all the Kingdom Hearts games to using magic and items, in my opinion. In fact, I usually hate magic. I use it ALL THE TIME in Birth By Sleep, because it's so easy. It's like they took the cheater button from Kingdom Hearts II, gave you control over it, and let you customize it. I love it. On top of that, I can mash if I want to, and the characters will automatically do awesome finishes, go into badass fighting modes, or just wail on stuff. I'm not too big on strategy, so this is perfect for me.
BBS has a lot of extra attacks you can do, including linking with other characters, wide range damage attacks, and a fun little mini game to level up your attacks. The best part? You can TOTALLY IGNORE all of it if you want to. I will probably finish Ven's game without D-linking even once, because I don't really have to if I don't want to.
On top of that, super easy to level up. As I just mentioned, I hate hard games. So I kill everything, maybe go back and kill again, and when I finish a world I go back through it enough to get a level and a half at least. It makes it really easy to get into boss battles, ignore the strategy from the walk-through, and run up and KILL IT!!!
Having to play three storylines is...odd. I can't say whether I am a fan of it or not so far. The worlds are shorter, and I think I like that. They manage to make different places that you go in the worlds, different tasks that you do. I'm definitely interested in the storyline, but I do at times find myself spacing off during the cut-scenes. Generally this is during the Disney scenes that are going along with the movie.
As far as the characters...Terra, I love. I definitely see the similarities between him and Riku. I feel bad for him, but at the same time, I feel like a lot of the things he's struggling over are in the grey area. Master Eraqus isn't wrong, but he's not entirely right, and Master Xehanort isn't entirely wrong, but what he's doing isn't right. (And Maleficent is just a bitch. >.> ) On top of that Terra is too trusting, and doesn't have his own convictions aside from "Protect my friends". Poor guy.
I love Ven too, and a lot because even though he looks and mostly sounds like Roxas, he isn't. Not at all. I think that's so fascinating. He's a really innocent kid, running around not sure what he's doing, or what he should be doing. He really reminds me of Sora at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts I. I haven't finished his game yet at this point so I'm not making any judgements past this.
As for be far I don't like her. I haven't played her game, but every time she's appeared I've just frowned. And I can say right out, it's not a fangirl thing! I love Kairi, and I loved Namine, and I liked Xion as well. So far Aqua I anxious about her game because I don't really like her very much. I'm definitely hoping my feelings will change on this!
Onward! (Then after will be Recoded!)