In the short time I've been employed, I've grown to be very thankful for having been chosen among the many applicants for the job. The other trainees and I are constantly reminded that the company has a tough screening process so being there now is quite an achievement. They have a firm belief that hiring the wrong person could cost them big time and even after that person separates from them, a scar of their presence will remain, and they don't want that. They hired us because they didn't feel that way about the four of us.
I always try to keep that in mind because damn, who would've thought? This is my first real job and I landed myself doing something that I truly enjoy, something that I see myself being a part of for a long, long time. It's really a dream come true.
There's just so many things about that place that make me appreciate them more each day. The atmosphere is lax but disciplined, the other employees are dedicated to their craft, and those who are higher up are down to earth. It's not something you hear or see everyday.
I was only supposed to be there for a month but in the almost three weeks I've been around, I've been reassured that they will be keeping me on, and despite the jokes from the team I work with, they don't seem to want to let me go either. While I have never really been one to need the validation of others to be happy about myself, hearing they wanted me to stay made me feel good. What I've contributed in my work and in my interests have made an impression on them somehow and the feeling is just amazing.
There's really no putting how I feel about the company into words because... I'll probably end up going on forever. All I can hope for now is that things do work out because I do not want to leave. Not at all.
I'm happy there.
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