Title: Argonaut
Genre: Sam/Dean
Rating: nc-17
Word Count: 1000
Notes: warning for watersports. written for
this prompt over at the
Summary: Dean's never been able to deny Sam anything, not when he sounds like this, and even when he doesn't.
Argonaut )
Comments 6
Also, yessssssssss. It's immediate and obtrusive and so fucking hot because Sam does belong to Dean, every part of him, every fingernail, every fiber, every bad intention. It goes both ways and they know it.
Love it!!!!
<3 <3 <3
I don't know why, but in all of this whole pile of awesomeness, the line that gets me the most is, "that's all I got, brother mine." Just like.... gah, Dean *would* give Sam all he's got, whether its everything in the world or just a bladder full of piss and it's all the same.
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