Title: Stars
Genre: Jared/Jensen High School AU
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,000
Notes: An
insmallpackages gift, written for the prompt: J2, High School AU, first touches and kisses. A million thank you's to
flawlessglitch for the lightning fast and superb beta. Here's to knit hats and goddamn anglerfish, lily.
Jib the topsails, ladies and gentlemen. We're setting course for a sea
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Comments 61
I opened this tab the minute it came up, but it wasn't until I looked again that I realized you answered my prompt!!! *grabs fic and calls it precious*
I swear you must be reading my mind or something - all the button pushing happiness for body-writing (One of my biggest kinks ever and not nearly enough of it written). The geeky moment of Jensen knowing the card game. *swoons*
awkward boys and even more awkward confessions - *chases after stolen heart*
“Why did you wait so long?” Jared asks, and snugs in closer to Jensen’s side.
“Because I wanted to do it right. Because it’s important. *snuggles author*
One of the best things I've gotten this season!!!! ♥
Body-writing, yes yes yes! Your kink is totally my kink, and that's what popped into my head as soon as I read the 'fist touches' of your prompt. Ugh, there's just something so intimate about leaving that kind of mark, you know? So very glad you liked this, sweetheart, and very relieved as well! Cheers! ♥!
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