Title: An Absence of Violence Genre: Sam/Dean (pre-series) Rating: R Warnings: Hurt!Dean, borderline for underage. Word Count: 1,900 Notes: Thanks so much,
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"Dean brushes Sam’s hair out of his face runs a thumb along his ear in an act of uncharacteristic tenderness. Sam knows that Dean’s hands are built for punches, anyone could tell you that. But he also knows they’re made for this."
How Dean can be tender with Sam, yet aggressive and hostile with others!
Dean doesn't like people most of the time, does he? Well, except for Sam, and even that's a little shaky...It's great to know those lines worked. Thanks very much for reading!
Why do these boys always come out so angsty for me? I swear one day I will write schmoopy Winchesters. It's gotta be in here somewhere. Thanks so much, darlin'!
Comments 59
"Dean brushes Sam’s hair out of his face runs a thumb along his ear in an act of uncharacteristic tenderness. Sam knows that Dean’s hands are built for punches, anyone could tell you that. But he also knows they’re made for this."
How Dean can be tender with Sam, yet aggressive and hostile with others!
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