(no subject)

May 01, 2006 07:27

So, I almost had to do seven again today, but I didn't! I got moved over to the paper and chemical aisles (11, 12, and 13). Someone hadn't shown up because of the whole immigrant protest thing. I'm wondering how many won't show up tonight...it will be interesting, because we have quite a few hispanics, and many of them first generation immigrants...*thinks* Tracy would be there, Jessica, Devon(?), maybe Heather (it is her day off), Josh, James, one or two other guys from pop and water, and me. I think that would be everyone in our department who will be there if no hispanics show up. Jose1, Jose2, and Charlie are hispanic, but I seem to remember Jose1 talking about it, but giving the impression that he wasn't going to...*shrugs* they are (I am assuming) children of immigrants. Which brings me to a thought that I have been having recently...I am suddenly really interested in the relationship between immigrants and the children of immigrants who are not related, or at least not immediate family. Parent/child immigrant relations are talked about a lot, but I don't know that I have ever heard talk about other people...I think about it every once in a while, mostly on break, but random other times, too, because the interactions between the older spanish men and women (who I assume are immigrants...none of them speak very good english, which doesn't necessarily mean anything) and Jose1, Jose2, and Charlie are interesting, they are funny sometimes, ...and obviously my sample size is extremely size compared to the actual numbers, but still...

Okay, on my drive home I contemplated a number of interesting topics. The first was the insane number of schools that Nampa has...there's one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, one there, and I'm sure that I'm missing at least one...so that is what...at least 13. And that's just the ones that I have driven by and can remember.
Then I was contemplating the fact that I sometimes wish I was still in high school. Life was so much simpler then, and it is structured. Every day, the same time, usually the same classes, and you know what is expected of you. As much as we gush over the fact that we like the flexibility of college better, why is it that 99% of all college students do a full grade point average worse in college than they did in high school. Not all of it can be attributed to the lack of parentage and parental supervision...can it? I also realized that as much as I dislike having a fixed schedule, it is good for me. All I need is a tiny amount of room for spontaneity (is that how you spell that?) and I'm a happy camper...well, in theory anyway. In actuality, I don't want to be in high school again, I want college to be organized more like high school.
The final thing I was contemplating was that nobody waves to each other as they are driving. Which, for most of you probably isn't something you would notice. But I am a Grangevillian (or a Grangevillite, depending on who you ask...I personally prefer Grangevillian). In Idaho County (of which Grangeville is the seat) while driving down the road you wave at everyone you know, and everyone you recognize the car of, and everyone you think you might know, and everyone who might know you, and everyone who is driving in the general are of your house, and everyone else, just to be safe. And the people that don't wave are considered snobs...unless you are deliberately not waving at someone because you don't like them...apparently my Dad's carpool guy in Grangeville won't wave at my grandparents because they turned our house into a Bed and Breakfast. It had something to do with bringing in people that he didn't want in the area, or possibly just the fact that it was a business, or something...this guy is on crack...and if he isn't...then he should be. So, yeah.
I also had the thought that I should listen to the public radio in the mornings, instead of something else, because they play classical in the morning, and it might help me relax, and fall asleep faster.

Okay, I think that is everything...

work, music, people, school, grangeville

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