So, this is a interesting site...
It is a photo finishing company, and they have a bunch of celebrity and magazine before and after pictures. I found it easier on my brain to click on the "click here to see before" button in the second that the picture was loading, just because on a couple of the ones I looked at before doing that, it was slightly...grotesque is the word that is coming to mind, but I think maybe macabre is a better one...*shrugs* anyway, seeing the after picture first twitched me, I am not sure why.
FluidEffect: Go to their portfolio, then click on the before/after section. Anyway, in other news...there is no other news...I am kinda bored. And feeling a bit worthless. But that isn't all that different from normal.
I need to find my copies of the first two books in the Wheel of Time. If any of you know where they might be, then that would be awesome...because I really want/need to read them. I have eleven books to read, and I kinda should start with the first two...I seem to remember letting Kate borrow the first one, and if I remember correctly, the dust cover got lost, or torn, or something, which didn't matter all that much, because I had already retaped the whole thing back together anyway. But I am not so sure where I would have taken/put the second one. Because that is the last one I remember reading. It doesn't surprise me that it wasn't with the others, because I was reading it about the time that I packed them up. But that causes problems. *sighs*
We should play a game of Magic. Because it would be fun. I also have been thinking a little bit about a star wars rpg...I think that would be lots and lots of fun...if I could download some books, and find an adventure that I didn't have to write, it might be fun to do it online...that way I could just send copies of the files to whoever wanted to play. It might be odd, and it would depend on a lot of trust if we wanted to continue to use dice...b/c while I am sure that there are computer generated dice, it still wouldn't do anything for letting others know what the rolls were. We could do it a couple different ways. One would be to have a message board set up (either an ezboard or something similar, or set an invitation only community here on livejournal, which that might work better because we are pretty much all here already) or we could work out times when we all got on msn messenger or aol, but that might not work as well because, one...getting more than two or three people on would cause major pains and timing issues, and some people share internet access. *thinks* I am probably thinking about this way too much, but if you honestly would think this is something you would participate in (online or, if plausible, in real life) tell me, and give me your vote on what we should do. I really want to do an rpg again, and I am slightly star wars universe obsessed at the moment. Not so much the movies, just the universe...its Anthony's fault. I blame him.