I don't know what to put here...

Feb 09, 2011 17:11

So. It has been a while since I posted, but I feel like sharing, and I don't want to put this on facebook right now. So here goes.

I was just at the hospital. My great-grandma is there. She is dying.

Fluid is filling her lungs, and the area around her heart, as well as in other places in her body. They have taken her off all her medications and are giving her morphine for the pain. Like I said. She is dying.

She is 91 years old, and very, very tired, and, I think, lonely. Her husband, my great-grandpa, and all her siblings and cousins are already passed on. So, this is less of a sad thing, and more of a bittersweet thing. Yes, it is sad for all of us, but at the same time, we have been expecting this for more than a couple years. We have made every holiday, and every birthday count. She has been well loved, and will be well missed, but it is time.

But I just wanted to...say something. Because I just left the hospital, and it may be the last time I see Great-Grandma Mewhinney alive. I need this moment to me remembered. If not by the world, then at least by my self.

(and now I have to go take a math test)

death, life, family

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