update on the life of rob

Aug 11, 2010 14:35

It was pointed out that it has been 26 weeks since I updated! I am a bad journal-er...

Really, though, there isn't anything to say. My life is pretty much the same as it has been for the past couple years. I still work at Walmart. I did move. But not very far, and it wasn't a huge deal. I go to work, I play video games, I read fan fiction, I read books, and every once in a while I watch a movie. My life is not made of excitement.

But whatever, you didn't come here to listen to me complain about my life.

I played Final Fantasy XIII. I love that game so much. I am pretty convinced that it is one of the best games I have ever played. Love the characters, love the story, love the mechanics. I guess that they are going to make a couple other FFXIII games as well, not sequels, but games set in the same 'verse. I am looking forward to those (as long as they don't make PSP exclusives *grumbles about Crisis Core*).

I watched Eclipse. I am no where near being a "Twihard" (most ridiculous name ever! I don't know why anyone would voluntarily call themselves that), but it was good. It is probably going to end up being the best out of all the Twilight movies. They are making Breaking Dawn into two movies. I have a hard time seeing how, exactly. Apparently they are splitting after Bella gives birth. So the first movie is going to be "They get married, go have sex, she gets pregnant and has a demon!child." Only they are cutting the sex scene and they aren't showing the birth scene. And the second movie is going to be "OMG THE VOLTURI ARE COMING! *introduce five thousand non-essential characters* The Volutri show and and they...talk. And talk and Mary Sue, I mean Bella saves the day and then they talk and the end." I will likely see them, but seriously, I don't see how they intend to make these good movies at all!! Though, the first and second movies weren't very good either. Who knows. Maybe as soon as these movies are done and over with we can all go back to living our lives without Twilight again.


And I know that there are people that cringe at the thought of this, but I have been reading Harry Potter/Twilight crossover fan fiction. I don't know why, but really, I can't stop! I know that it goes against a lot of vampire lore, but I really like the idea of the vampires in Twilight. I think they could have been really well done in the hands of a better writer, and I like to see where fic writers can take it. I have some issues with certain things that tend to pop up, but I can usually see those just by reading a summary. For example, when the summary says "Bella isn't really who she said she is..." Or "After Edward leaves, Bella/Edward realizes she/he didn't really love him/her..." Those two just drive me insane. One, AU is okay, but to make it out as if Bella was lying about who she was and is really (take your pick) Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter, a witch, Lord Voldemort's daughter, Harry Potter's twin, the Girl-Who-Lived, then it comes off as a little ridiculous. And if Edward and Bella meet and the first book goes along as it did in canon, then Bella and Edward aren't just going to be "oh, I made a mistake, I don't really love you." Slowly falling out of love, or realizing something about the other that puts a damper on the relationship is okay. But really, I just hate Bella, so anything removes her completely, or better yet, kills her off, is all good in my book. The other thing that really frustrates me is when a character will be turned, but they won't be a "normal" vampire. As in they won't sparkle, or they won't change eye color (that one really bugs me), or they can eat human food, or they can cry or sleep. And that isn't just with HP crossovers. I found that when I was reading Supernatural/Twilight crossovers, too. If you are going to turn someone into a vampire, turn them into a fucking vampire!!!

Seriously, I can't believe that I just wrote nearly an entire post about twilight. I am sad...

But Harry Potter comes out in just over three months!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!! YAY!!!!! And it is going to be so awesome!!!

Also, Star Wars: Force Unleashed II comes out just about the same time, and that is going to be awesome, too! I am convinced!! YAY!!!!
And also, there isn't nearly enough SW:FU fan fiction out there. Someone really needs to fix that...and it isn't me! I don't write fic for public consumption. I start fics that I want to read, but never finish them. I have like a dozen fics started that I will never finish. Most of them are because I really wanted to read a specific type of fic, but couldn't find anything like it, so I just started writing. I have a few HP fics: 1 creature fic, 1 transformation fic, 1 super fic, and at least one or two more. An Buffy/Supernatural/Anita Blake cross (that I actually want to redo as a HP/SPN/AB instead). A HP/Twilight cross. A Buffy/Charmed/SPN/X-men fic that I like to call the BFC aka the Big Fucking Crossover. A couple just BtVS fics. A Buffy wish!fic that threw in elements of Charmed, Dune, and Star Wars. And then I have a few that are just floating around in various notebooks that I can't remember right now.

Anyway, hopefully it won't be another 26 weeks before I update again, but you never know...

twilight, fan fiction

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