Part of the following meme asks what your favorite unforgivable is. After reading a couple of these memes on facebook, I am now very curious, what is your favorite unforgivable, and why?
Mine is Avada Kedavra. And I don't know if I would have picked this before my most recent rereading of Goblet of Fire, but during the demonstration of the three curses by fake!Moody, it is described by Harry as a "flash of green light and a rushing sound, as if a vast, invisible something was soaring through the air" (HP: PoA pg 216) and the spider instantly died. And for some reason, this time reading it that caught my attention. More than Imperius or Cruciatus this is the Curse that truly is Unforgivable. There are no take-backs, or do-overs. You can't block this curse, you can't shake it off, you can't fight your way through it. The caster literally is summoning death, and you can only hope that it misses you.
(PS: I am still doing an in-depth reading of the Harry Potter series. And I am still underlining and taking notes. I have even started using color-coordinated sticky tabs to mark interesting passages. Someday I will continue posting my thoughts, I promise.)
So, its a harry potter meme! One that I haven't ever done before, and is actually pretty interesting.
All time favorite character?
Harry Potter, duh. (I really wanted to pick someone else for this, because seriously, picking the title character? boring! But I honestly like him the best.)
List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Deathly Hallows
2. Prisoner of Azkaban
3. Half-Blood Prince
4. Goblet of Fire
5. Sorcerer's Stone
6. Chamber of Secrets
7. Order of the Phoenix
List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Half-Blood Prince
2. Prisoner of Azkaban
3. Order of the Phoenix
4. Goblet of Fire
5. Chamber of Secrets
6. Sorcerer's Stone
Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
The chapter where Harry goes just a little fatalistic and goes off to kill Voldemort on his own. I love it because he gets to walk through the forest with his parents and Sirius and Remus. It is so emotional, because Harry is here with his dead family, going off to die, and I just lost it. I cried.
Top 5 favorite characters? (In no order) [I'm going with non Trio b/c it is too obvious imho]
1. Luna Lovegood
2. Minerva McGonagall
3. Neville Longbottom
4. Fred and George Weasley (yes, they are one person :-P)
5. Severus Snape
Five least favorite characters? (In no order)
1. Dobby the House-Elf
2. Cho Chang
3. Ginny Weasley
4. Lucius Malfoy
5. Griphook the Goblin
Favorite member of the Golden Trio?
Harry Potter (even though it is the easiest, I still love him)
Favorite family?
The Weasleys (I seriously couldn't think of any other families)
Favorite antagonist?
Dolores Umbridge.
Favorite Death Eater?
Bellatrix Lestrange
Three favorite spells?
1. accio
2. patronus charm
3. disillusionment
Three favorite potions?
1. polyjuice
2. veritaserum
3. felix felicis
Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Flourish & Blotts
Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Goats Head Pub
Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
Avada Kedavra
Favorite mode of wizard transportation?
Favorite Weasley?
Charlie Weasley
Favorite Order Member?
Nymphadora Tonks
Favorite DA Member?
Luna Lovegood
Favorite pet?
Favorite Hogwarts room?
Room of Requirement
Favorite Hogwarts Professor?
M McGonagall
Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?
Cedric Diggory
Favorite House Elf?
Favorite Wizard sweet?
Whatever made the boys sound like animals at the beginning of PoA movie
General Opinions
Biggest surprise of the series? (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER! Don't read below if you want to stay in the dark about the ending of the series!!!)
I was seriously convinced that Ron was going to die if Harry didn't. I was rather pleastantly surprised that he didnt'.
Biggest letdown of the series?
That Harry and Ginny got together. Seriously. I could handle almost any other pairing but that one.
One character you wish lived?
Moment that will always make you cry?
Harry walking to his death.
Your Patronus would be___?
Some sort of large cat.
Job you would most like to try?
I wouldn't mind being a Curse-Breaker. It sounds like it could be a very interesting job.
Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
I always though that Ron/Hermione was cute. Though there were a few times during the series that I through it was headed towards H/Hr.
(my other answer is "yes")
James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
James/ much as I love the tormented character and the friendship between Snape and Lily, she was destined for James.
Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I enjoyed Twilight, but it is nowhere near the genius that is Harry Potter.
Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theatres?
Already did! And yes, I am going to go see it again.
Do you own the books/movies?
I own all of the books twice. Once in hardcover and once in paperback. And I own the first two movies...I am really falling behind on that.
Have you ever played any of the video games?
Yes. All of them except Sorcerer's Stone.
Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
I definitely think so. Only I am bad with pets anyway, so it probably would not be a good idea.
How about a rat?
Um...rats are actually pretty cute. As long as they don't turn into creepy old men.
Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
Which house would you want to be in?
Do you like Draco?
I did for a long time, but the last book pretty much turned him off for me.
Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
Hell no...
Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
Most likely. I mean where else to you get a roller coaster ride just to make a withdrawal or deposit?
What class would be your favorite?
I honestly think that Transfiguration would be my favorite. That or maybe Arithmancy. I am a freak of an english major in that I love math.
Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
Definitely, sign me up now.