(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 20:12

So, I watched the last two episodes of Heroes (yay for DVR)(boo for not watching them as they come out) and holy cow! Yay!!! I felt really optimistic about where things are heading. And I could be disappointed, or I could be surprised, but in a good way, you never really know with this show...

And how much do I love Micah as Rebel!! YES! I totally thought that it was going to be the chick from S1, Wireless. She disappeared without closure from the show, but in the online comic (official) she ended up hijacking a space shuttle and dying, but because of her ability she transfered her personality to the internet, or something like that, and I believe she started talking to Micah, so she could feasibly still pop up. Also, Tracy's final moments were awesome. And I'm trying to decide if she is actually dead, or what, with that whole blink thing, but I think she probably is dead. The only question in my mind now, is Ali Larter done, or are they going to bring in the mysterious third sister (Margaret? Mary? M?)?

And, and, and, PETRELLI POWER!!! Yay, it makes me so happy! I'm trying to decide if baby Touch and Go is going to be able to give Peter his full ability back (even if it doesn't give him all the powers he had gained) or if maybe if he gains Claire's ability it would heal his ability. Because come on...give him his fucking powers back already!!! He isn't an empath anymore. And that is his power. When he took the serum, it shouldn't have changed his power. I can understand a reset, because the other powers weren't inately his, but...*sighs* I will stop ranting. I just want a good Sylar/Peter showdown, and you can't have that if you don't have Peter with powers other than flying.
I am so excited to see the Petrelli's all together again since...I almost want to say S1...I don't think that Claire was ever around Angela again. She was in CA getting her head chopped by Sylar. She saw both Peter and Nathan, but she didn't ever meet Arthur...she kinda had her own storyline going on there. So yeah...the Petrelli's are back together. And I hope that Peter punches Nathan. And then hugs him. Because that is very much first season Peter, and I think that is what he needs.


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