Mar 13, 2009 12:37
I just watched the most recent episode of Heroes (yay for dvr!) and OMG I can't believe that I have to wait for almost two weeks! I may die. Okay, so not really, but I want to see it so bad. This week was a really good episode even though the only time you saw Peter was during the "previously on Heroes..." spiel. But lol to the Hiro and Ando, and I am totally loving Claire right now. And the whole thing with Sylar and his dad was awesome. I'm not sure what I am feeling about Nathan right now. Whether I feel bad for him, if I am worried that he is no longer in a place to help, or if I am glad that he is getting his ass kicked. Maybe he will finally realize that his whole plan was nuts. Anyway. Yay for Heroes, but book for no new episode next week.