1031 / 60000 words. 2% done!
So, I am going to edit The Mad Queen and I am going to also work on my urban fantasy. I gave myself five days of no writing, but now I am going to get back on it. So I am going to need everyone's encouragement to keep going. It really isn't that hard. I am going to set myself a 60,000 word goal and a 1000 word a day average. The 60k is a arbitrary number. Once I get there I am going to start ending it. So I could get there and still have half a book to go before everything is resolved, or I could end it within a thousand words. But the point is to keep writing. NaNoWriMo was to prove to myself that yes, I can finish, and yes, I can write (nearly) everyday. Now I have no excuses. I even have the beginnings of a playlist for it. (And apparently that is becoming one of my rituals. Have a playlist? Check. Who cares about world-building? Pssh. Not me...
ps: Here's hoping that forcing the inner editor to turn on and off everyday isn't going to drive him crazy(er). Maybe the fact that I will be editing one thing will allow him to sleep while I am writing. Though write or die does help him shut up. *pets write or die*