More Writing!

Nov 18, 2008 21:20

So, I find it amusing that for so long I have always written male main characters, usually because it was easier for me, but now, the longest thing I have written (see wc below) is almost entirely women. There is the Mad Queen, the faerie sisters, the princess...the only real male character that is very important to the plot is the prince. We have various men coming in and out of the story, a few kings, a duke, a fae, but they don't last very long. Just an observation.

I am on my long night. I got off at six today and I don't have to be at work again until two tomorrow afternoon, so I plan to write a little more between now and midnight, try to get my daily average up, lol...I am doing better than minimum, but I kinda want to be farther than that. But that's ok. As long as I get fifty thou before midnight the thirtieth, which happens to be a sunday and therefore my day off, and my second day off in a row, things are looking good. I just hope that I can manage to resolve the arc that I am writing right now (and the third pov arc if I need it for the words) at the same time. The goal is to finish as well, not just write 50k of a 100k word novel.

Anyway, I am facing a lot of temptation to go back and edit. Especially the first half, because it has been fermenting in my brain for a while, and every once in a while I will write something in the second half that has me thinking, I need to add that to the other side of the story...but I have resisted. I know that to edit is to fall into insanity. I would never recover. I just have to finish. Then I can spend December and maybe January and February editing. And we'll see what kind of real story this turns out to be...

Anyway, the word count!

30301 / 50000 words. 61% done!

the mad queen, nanowrimo, writing, word count

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