Work and Weekends

Jun 25, 2008 23:51

So, we had inventory today. I'm sure that a number of people on my friends list have done inventory of their store, and I can't give any comparison, because I have never done inventory anywhere else, but inventory at a Walmart is insane. We literally have a daily task layout for a month ahead of time. We don't actually do our own inventory, we make sure that everything is in its right place and has a label and is prepared and then an outside group comes through and scans and counts everything. And while they are in the store we can't touch any product unless it is directly related to customer service. We can't put anything away, we can't zone, we can't moved things to their right place...nothing until everything has been counted. We just have to stand there, and wait. Clean. Help the few customers there are on a Wednesday morning and early afternoon.

So...I have a real weekend this week. The past few weeks I have had split days off (Sunday and Friday), but this week I have Thursday and Friday off, and I have those days off for the foreseeable future. Because of the day off schedule I haven't done a whole lot in the last few weeks, but I have been reading. I just finished Octavia E. Butler's Dawn which is the first in a series of books called Xenogenesis. I read one of the others in high school, and I really enjoyed it, this one was very good, too. I am looking for the next few now, but I'm not in a big rush, I have lots of books to read. I have discovered a weakness to a particular used bookstore and buy more books than I really need. But I don't think that I buy too many.

work, books

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