So. Life as I know it:
I work at walmart. In the electronics department. The job sucks, but the pay is better than most places in the area, I have made a couple very good friends, and I enjoy talking to most of the people I work with. I don't really want to work there anymore, but I have a aversion to change if I am not forced into it.
I am writing. But the writing doesn't flow very easily, and I am currently a little bit stuck. Not as in I don't know what is happening, but as in I can't find the words to express it. I know what I want to have happen, but I am having a hard time getting there. I have so much in my head but it isn't in order, in any way, shape, or form.
I am reading. A lot. I have been reading Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, and even though I had some reservations, I am seriously enjoying it. Anita isn't always perfect, and at times I feel like she was built out of a series of cliches, but they are entertaining, and they are getting better as I get deeper into the series. I just finished the third one, and I am excited to see where it goes next. I have also been reading Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising sequence. It is very, very good. Sometimes I wish that fantasy could go back to the era when everything was still fresh, almost childlike in the wonder of it. But that is the way of things. Fantasy grew up, and I think that right now we are in the teenage stage of it...everyone wants to be like everyone else, because if they aren't, then they are "weird" and heaven forbid that we break the mold. I reread Runaway Jury by John Grisham. I enjoy his novels, but I can't read more than two, maybe three, in a row, or they run together. And I discovered that rereading them just doesn't have the same...pop...that it did the first time. Probably because he relies so much on the unknown to drive the reader forward.
I just bought the first Dexter book, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, by Jeff Lindsay. I am excited because I absolutely love the series. I wanted to get more than just that one, but B&N didn't have more, and I haven't been able to find it at the Book Exchange (a lovely used bookstore downtown nampa).
I have watched some very good movies recently as well. I watched Sweeney Todd! And loved it! It is so full of very dark humor (the best kind, lol) and, wow, can Johnny Depp sing! I also watched Memento again. It had been a very long time since I saw it the first time, and I am still impressed. It is such a unique format for the way the movie is presented, and an intriguing concept for the subject matter itself, and it asks so many questions of the viewer, which I think is the best kind. If a movie, or a book for that matter, doesn't make you think about it after you are finished it had better be damn good at something else or it probably wasn't worth it.
I watched the first six episodes of the second season of Dexter today. Wow, it is good. I love it. There are definitely parts where I can barely wait to find out what happens next, even though I kinda have to...
I've been feeling. And I have been not feeling. It is weird. There are times when I feel absolutely nothing. I won't care about anything. Not work, not friends, nothing. I feel completely detached. Like I am watching everyone around me but all I can do is observe, even if I am interacting. And then there are times when I am so into it, well, not usually work, but friends and family. And the funny thing is...damnit, I feel stupid saying it. I remember being so exuberant and emotional when I was younger. I wonder when I learned to turn it on and off?
I am also very much in want of a companion...a physical and emotional companion. Is there some sort of biological imperative built in to humans or is that something we like to explain away the sex drive? Because biologically speaking, I am pretty much in my prime, and that may have something to do with it. I don't know. I don't know enough about biology or psychology or evolution to say anything. Just bits and pieces from reading and high school. I haven't taken a college level biology. Though I did take psych, but that was a long time ago...
I love you guys so much. All of you. I don't know what I would do without you.
[and because we can't end on a completely serious note...a link to an awesome series of political macros