(no subject)

Jun 14, 2007 02:46

So, I've been thinking about Heroes. (way more than I should, but it is my favorite show right now, what are ya gonna do?) Anyway, I've been thinking about the fact that almost all of the main characters have biblical names. Peter and Nathan, Isaac, Simon(e), Gabriel, NOAH!!, hmmm...Micah, Matt(hew), Jessica (that is one, right?), possibly D.L., though I don't know if anyone knows his actual name. Linderman could have one, so could Dad Petrelli. Of course, then there are the people that don't. Claire, Niki, Mohinder, Molly, Claude, Ted.

I was just considering whether those names were on purpose to maybe symbolize something or if they just sounded cool. We have Peter, the Rock, the foundation, the first pope, he is the true next step, the ability to gain the power of anyone that has a power near him. If he was a little different, or maybe a little more, we would have someone that was anything that anyone around them was. Not just superpowers, but special abilities. Like photographic memory, or perfect pitch, or really good eyesight. And yeah, maybe if everyone was like that, then nobody would be special, but instead everyone would be special, and all you would have to do is choose what you want to do. (fire away at this, I don't have it completely though through, so go ahead and flame it if you want)

Noah Bennett. I can't believe his name is Noah! It is so awesome. I was thinking about it and especially with the ep Five Years Gone, he is a Noah. He is collecting the people, and at first just collecting them, but then he is trying to protect them from the political flood that is threatening to destroy all of them.

I had this thought about Gabriel (Sylar) and angels, and trumpets, and avenging-ness, but I'm not completely sure what Gabriel is the angel of...it seems that he is a messenger, but I can't remember completely.

But yeah. It probably isn't intentional. At least not intentional to that extent. *shrugs* Ya never know though...

*wanders off thinking about the bible, and symbolism, and names*


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