(no subject)

May 29, 2007 02:21

So I've been thinking about heroes a little. Probably a little more than I should, and I was trying to decide something...

So, do you think that Peter was every around Linderman in a "ha ha, I have your power" kind of way? Because if so, then Nathan wouldn't have to die! Though it is completely possible that he will not die by some other means, but yeah. I made a list and Peter has a lot of powers, and some of the cooler ones are ones that Sylar doesn't have (and holy crapballs with him still being alive!). For example. Peter has regen from Claire, mind reading from Matt, flight from Nathan, spacetime control from Hiro, and invisiblity from Claude, and those are just the ones that Sylar doesn't have. I haven't decided if Peter was close enough to the Hatian at any point in time to have his power or not.

Peter (after the finale) has acquired all of the powers that Sylar has, which include the hearing from the woman, and the melting thing from the dude, and the knowledge sponge thing from Charlie, and the telekinesis, and the cryokinesis (ice ness), and then however many else there are (I can't remember the exact number, but the FBI chick said something about the number of kills that Sylar had during his hunt for Claire). Peter also got Niki/Jessica's strength (and yay for no more Jessica, even though she made an awesome character). I don't think he was close enough to D.L., Molly, or Micah to get their powers, but ya never know.

Peter also has the voice thing from Eden, because he met her at Mohinder's apt. before future-Hiro gave him the save the cheerleader message. And was it just me, or did Sylar seem to be having some of those "do as I say" overtones to his voice a couple times? I shall have to watch again...I can't wait for it to come out on DVD so that I can inflict it on the world my circle of friends!!!

And then there is whatever Dad Petrelli could do, and whatever Charles could do (and can I just say that blew my mind, too). And then, at some point he is probably going to meet Claire's mom, and then there is the wireless interent woman, who kinda disappeared. And the illusion girl, too. And then, seeing as the powers seem to be hereditary, Sylar probably had a power from Molly's dad, and Peter might get powers from Nathan's kids at some point, if he hasn't already.

Seriously, Peter's Hero name should be like, the Power Sponge, or something...lol...


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