Life...or something like it...

Jan 12, 2007 12:04

I'm alive...for the most part. I occasionally feel like a zombie, but that's okay, right? It has been forever since I posted, and so I figured that even though I don't really have anything to say, I should say it

I was going to make a merry christmas post, and then I was going to make a happy new year post, but obviously both of those died in the "going to" stage.

My computer was being stupid for about a week, maybe a little more, and it wouldn't let me on the internet...I thought I was going to

I've started playing this game called STARS! (The ! is part of the title, not the sentence...hmmmm...does that mean I need a period after it?) It is a lot of fun. It is old school cool graphics, just a random assortment of starsystems, each with a single planet, and a bunch of buttons and stuff to tell your people to do on their planet. I'm having fun with it.

I've been reading Thomas Harris. He's the guy that wrote Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, and Red Dragon. Silence of the Lambs was amazing...but now I am confused on which one to read next. I always thought that Hannibal was before Red Dragon, though Red Dragon is a set before the other two. But I am starting to realize that he wrote Red Dragon first, then Silence of the Lambs, and then Hannibal. I started both of them, because I forgot to bring Hannibal to work, and so had to buy Red Dragon. And honestly, Red Dragon is starting out the better book. I don't know if it will stay the better book, but yeah...*sighs*

I'm not getting as many hours at work as I need. Of course, I'm always getting more than I want...*rollseyes*...but yeah...

I don't think that there is anything else to tell you...I got a bed for parents put a down payment on it, and then gave me most of the money for it, and I went and got it yesterday (I had to wait until I had enough money for the rest of it). I also got a feather ink pen, one that you actually dip in the inkwell, from my aunt Cori. She is so awesome...

reading, work, christmas, games, books

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