Books and Movies and stuff before I go to work...

Jun 09, 2006 21:15

So, I read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. It is about the same guy that The DaVinci Code was about. It was actually written first, but of course no one heard about it until all the scandal...Anyway, it was awesome. I have realized...Dan Brown doesn't really care about all the religious overtones, he just likes secret societies, and really most secret societies are least to some extent. This one was all about the Illuminati and their secret workings to destroy the Catholic Church. It was really good.

I have started reading Jonathon Strange & Mr. Norrel. It is a fantasy book that I had seen at bookstores and always wanted to buy, but never wanted to spend thirty dollars on, but the other day I found it (in Hardback!) at Savers and of course all of their hardbacks are only three dollars. So I bought it, the sequal to Rider at the Gate by C.J. Cherryh (which I didn't know there was a sequal, so that was exciting), a book about futuristic space travel and time warp/wormholes that sounded interesting, and Myst: The Book of Atrus (is that the first one, Riv?). Anyway, I was very pleased. I actually also bought some books at the Antique Mall, we were there so that I could find a teapot for my mom and (of course) I bought the Books of Amber by Zelazny in a two volume set for me, and I bought The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart for my mom, because she has most of that series, but I couldn't remember if that was the one that she didn't have, but I didn't get it last time I was there (which was in like end of January/beginning of February) so I decided that since it was still there it was a sign that I was supposed to buy it...and I also had money this time...that was big factor the first time, I only had a little bit of money...Speaking of the antique mall, the teapot I bought for my mom is awesome...I don't really know how to describe it, but it is square-ish, silvery white, and has a picture of what looks like it could be the towers of a keep or a castle surrounded by trees. I like it a lot, and I think that my mom will like it, too.

I have movies to watch,.too, but I keep not waking up until eight, which doesn't work when I have to work at ten, because that really isn't enough time to watch a movie...*sighs* But I have the X-Files movie, The Tommyknockers, and a couple others that I don't remember right now, that I need to watch...*sighs*

Oh, yeah...I was going to tell you about my brother...*sighs* He was driving home from work two nights ago *thinks* yes...Wednesday night, and he rolled the Focus (yes, the one that I decided not to buy). He was thrown forty feet, was ambulanced, and then LifeFlighted to St. Al's. He was a bruised lung, a possible vertebrae fracture, and a concussion. I don't know anything other than that, but I am having breakfast with my mom and probably my dad tomorrow, so if I find out anything else, then I will tell you...

Anyway, I need to go get shoes on and brush my teeth and go, so...have a great daynight.

*points at icon* and Wal-Mart is my prison...

movies, books, family

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