Long time no post..and this one is a doozy.

Jun 11, 2014 13:01

Many of you were very concerned about my physical condition after seeing me at the end of our vacation in March (Gulf Wars) or in April (Elfsea). I was physically wrecked from an unknown condition that was wrecking havoc on my digestive system. After a visit to the GI and a full Upper and Lower GI scoping I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis - Acute. This is a chronic auto immune disorder that I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. There is currently no cure, only the hope of remission.

At my worst I could barely walk due to related arthritic pain in my ankles, was severely underweight at 116 pounds (at 5'7), had to get up 10-15 times a night to go to the bathroom with similar frequency and urgency issues during the day. Of course my sleep patterns were disrupted and I was exhausted, dehydrated and emotionally a wreck. I was unable to fence, barely making it through a work day and spending my weekends in bed attempting to recover. I also fought through the depression that being so debilitated can cause. I have my good days and bad days, but friends and family have really pulled me through it.

This disorder so far has tried to rob me of my health and stole my 40th birthday from me. However, as I read other's stories, I know I am either blessed or too stubborn to let it completely destroy my life.

The steroid based treatment I have been on is not working as well as it needs to, so I have been jumping through a million hoops trying to get approved via Express Scripts/Tricare to take Humira. I will start on this new drug next week. I am excited and a little bit scared as the potential side effects from this drug are staggering, even though extremely rare. It could be a miracle drug for me.

I am a 40 year old mother of two who works full time, a Navy Reserve spouse and serve as the Ombudsman for my husband's Navy unit as well as run the Ombudsman Assembly for NAS JRB Fort Worth and was Commissioned as a Yellow Rose of Texas by Governor Rick Perry. I am an Independent Consultant with Rodan + Fields. I am a competitive historical fencer, and run a Youth Fencing program for the TX-OK area.I am hoping this treatment gets me back into my training regimen, as that was given up as the disorder progressed.

Why today? Today the Crohns and Collitis Foundation is on Capital Hill lobbying for all Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

I have Ulcerative Collitis, but it does NOT have me.

‪#‎CCFAHillday‬ ‪#‎UCdoesnothaveme‬
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