
Nov 18, 2008 21:22

I keep trying to post, but it just doesn't come to me. So, once again you are stuck with bullets.
  • I'm in my 35th week.
  • Baby ate my brain is a regular phrase out of my mouth
  • Queen's Champion kicked ass, and I was glad that went. However, 6 hours in a car on one day is not the best idea this late in my pregnancy. It was worth it to see my Don become Queen Elizabeth's champion.
  • I can still herald even with a baby under my diaphragm.
  • Congrats to my cadet sis on her Star of merit. Somehow I managed to miss that happening.
  • Baby has officially decided that there isn't enough room in there for her. She's a mover, but not a kicker thank goodness.
  • Teaching a class which involved talking all day is not fun when every deep breath is a bit of a struggle
  • Bedtime comes really early in the third trimester
  • Stressing out the pregnant lady is cruel and unusual punishment. Do at your own peril.
  • And I leave you with a Picture from Queen's thanks to visitors from Atenveldt:

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