The Travels of Anadrasata Nearabhigan: Day 12 Preview/Newspaper Clipping

Jul 16, 2023 15:10

This article, or something similar but better written, would appear in the afternoon editions of the local papers in Amnestri.  It would also appear in more far-flung papers, such as those published in the Imperial capital (like the Imperial Clarion), the following morning.  This piece runs to 445 words, and I hope it provides some useful background.  Please enjoy.

Index Page.

Onnaday, 22 Ochd, 1893 C.E.

Rear Admiral Lord Raiph dh'Khaitheer has been appointed to lead the Board of Inquiry into the near miss between the Empress Mhaihild and the Pearlish Star that occurred on the morning of 21 Ochd, 1893 C.E. south-east of Amnestri in the vicinity of the village of Eyevattri.  The terms of the Inquiry have been established under the provisions of the Aerial Navigation Act 1867 C.E.  The other four members of the Board are Commodore Spica Haidail, Commodore Beteelghais dh'Rhainair (Eng), Captain Marais dh'Ghair, and Captain Tholaigh bh'Dhraiphair (Eng).

The incident was reported to the Imperial authorities by telegraph message from observers on the ground in Eyevattri.  Allegedly the Empress Mhaihild made a rapid downwards altitude change from within a cloud band and nearly rammed the Pearlish Star before both ships made evasive manoeuvres and then suffered lateral stalls.  Both vessels subsequently made port in Amnestri under their own power.  Initial inspections of both vessels were carried out, and the Empress Mhaihild has been required to undergo further inspection and possible repair works.  The officers and crew of both vessels have been bound over not to discuss the incident until all of them have given evidence to the Inquiry.

In accordance with the Regulations derived from the Aerial Navigation Act 1867 C.E., the departure of both vessels from Amnestri has been delayed until at least 27 Ochd, 1893 C.E.  Intending passengers are advised to contact the Northern Stars Line and Pearlish lines, respectively, to learn how their travel plans will be affected.  Both vessels were originally due to depart Amnestri today, with the Empress Mhaihild bound for Quecorata and the Pearlish Star for Kordyliss.

The Board of Inquiry's preliminary report is expected to be submitted to the Imperial Aviation Authority by 10 Naisen, 1893 C.E., with the final report being issued by 20 Naisen, 1893 C.E.

Northern Stars Line board member Mr Caitus dh'Lhong, currently a passenger on the Empress Mhaihild, told reporters that he expects that the Empress Mhaihild, her officers, and her crew will be found blameless in this incident.  Captain Lhains Fhairghail of the Pearlish Star's only comment has been that the Board and their investigators are experienced officers of good repute, and that he is both at their service and awaiting their pleasure in this matter.


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