Apr 02, 2007 12:54
okay, i'm on break so this has to be a super short one....
but i was sitting in class a few minutes ago- my advanced sculpture class
and i realized. i'm not ready to graduate! i have such a horrible body of work to present, i haven't had enough concentration in my major and i'm just not physically, mentally, or emotionally ready to graduate.
i don't know what my future will be because no matter what if i graduate right now i'm going to have to take a year off of school before i can actually go to grad school. that's because i missed the deadlines. unless IUP or some other school i want to get into has a late admittance plan, i'm screwed.
i just want one more semester, but i already put in my intent to graduate. i've already gotten my picture taken for the year book and i'm down to my last month of school!!!
i'm not ready!!!!!
the only way i really feel that i can take back all of this graduation stuff- make it so that i don't have to yet, is if i miserably fail my classes. unfortunately i think i'm doing that subconsciously because my projects have been sucking and i don't want to do art anymore...at least not for my classes.
i'd have to beg my parents a lot too before i could even think of continuing on here at PSU.
i just need some advice or something. maybe just someone to tell me i'm going to be okay if i have a summer off, if i have a whole other year off.
i don't want to do it, but i have to it seems.
oh well, tah for now, class in 2 mins.