Harry Potter - rant, don't read it if you're not interested :P

May 29, 2009 20:35

Hiya all.

With the new crush on my fanfic, which is connected to Harry Potter.. I thought I'd rewatch some movies. Which reminds me that number 4 is bloody horrible.

I really hate the dumbledore.. I wish the one from the first movie could get revived somehow. He's slapping broken legs, he's pushing Harry etc. He's aggressive. Wtf?

Also.. the beginning of the movie is a mess. The dragon scene is crap.. I know not everything has to be as the book.. But come on. Get real. Than we have dancing lessons. I don't remember that in the book. And also 20 mins of ball. Which was like 2 pages in the book in comparison. Well yeah, we couldn't fit all in, because we had to make room for the ball!

Sodd off!

End sucks too, because Voldemort is hilarious, which he isn't supposed to be. Atleast, not in the books :p

Also, lets welcome harry/cedric slash, because the movie said so. Wth, wth. I swear, the slash came after the movies. It's insane. Insane I tell you.

So yeah. It sucked. Five was a bit better. I don't really care what theyre doing to 6 actually. I'm not going to the bios for it anyway, cuz theres no Sirius in it, not much of Fred & George. Bladiebladie bla. I forgot when it was coming out. July probably?

Oh. And I'm really proud of winning the first place at karl stillness. Yaay! I'll upload the banner later I think. I now need to read my flist!

Love, sunlight and huggs

Happy me!
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