I know you missed us~ Here are your favorite reporters: a cockroach in the closet (
manatsu_) and a spider on the ceiling (
As we all already know... our beloved boys (aka Nishikido Ryo and Uchi Hiroki) went on a trip after Hiroki's solo concerts ended. It was Ryo's week off, so they had a lot time for... various things *winks*
Our lovely, little cockroach, who was in charge of the last week's task, is here now to bring you a bitter-sweet report from the trip~
The cockroach was in Hiroki's bag and that's why it can't really tell us how they were traveling or where to, but we got to know some interesting things about Hiroki's belongings... There was a lipstick inside of the bag, which (as our reporter found out later) he uses to write on Ryo's naked chest that he is his only. There was also a book, but unfortunately our cockroach is illiterate and we didn't get to know the title, but there were sexual positions on the cover... *pauses* (Hiro has a dirty... dirty mind -
manatsu_) Aside from that, he could spot a hand lotion... (we don't need to explain what he uses it for, right? We swear that there’s no double meaning in the sentence "he uses it to moisten his hands") and a comb.
It was already getting darker when they arrived at their trip's destination. From the smell of trees and nature our reporter was almost sure that it was a ryokan or something similar. Then, the cockroach got injured as Hiroki dropped his bag on the floor, but it wasn't anything serious (thank god).
A bit later Hiroki and Ryo started talking about going to the shared baths or whatever is it called (lol)...
Let's get to the most interesting part of the day though... the night. Here I am passing the microphone to my partner in crime:
We were inside the room, but I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but I know that Hiro suddenly started to raise his voice as well as Ryo... and it was then that everything went quiet and I suddenly heard heavy breathing. I bet they were kissing each other wildly... You know... makeup sex. I heard a loud thud on the floor too. I peaked from the inside of the bag and saw legs rubbing on another pair of legs. I wonder who was on top... Besides the moans I also heard the fabric making friction noises. Ryo was moaning quite loud though... Hiro was whispering his name weakly and there was an "ah--". Well, I couldn't get out of the bag though, the zipper was almost fully closed... But I could still hear them. They knocked something out to the floor. I'm not sure what it was but it was loud. Hiro was moaning in a weak yet high pitched voice all the time... Ryo must have been entering him quite forcefully, but from the sounds he was liking it rough... and there was a "Ryo..." in the form of a cry and Ryo said "Almost there". After that there was more friction and thrusts... You could hear lots of "ngh- ngh- ngh- ngh-" from Hiro, I suppose it was from every time Ryo went deeper... Then Hiro let out a moan, so meaningful that it made me shiver. After a short while Ryo was going all "ahn- ahn- ahn- ahn- ngh-", every time he entered Hiroki and then... there was silence. I heard a groan. I believe they came together... all sticky and wet. There was something that got me though... I heard one of them sucking one finger from the other... one of them wanted the other to taste it. I heard a hum. Ah- It was Ryo who gave him a finger to lick 'cause I heard a "Good boy.." and then... I couldn't understand if something else happened because they went silent again for a while. They must have snuggled to each other on the tatami and stayed there. There's something I remember. I woke up with some mumbling from them. They were talking in the middle of the night. I think I heard Hiro asking Ryo what about tomorrow to which Ryo answered that they had to go back to their routines. There was silence again for a moment only until I heard a quiet sob. Ryo whispered "It's okay... we won't part" and from the friction sound on the floor I believe they must have hugged to each other or snuggled closer or something else. After a while, when I thought they had gone to sleep again, I heard "I love you Ryo.." and Ryo answered back the same thing... and he added one "very much..."
Now we all know the reason for this entry
Ryo’s j-web, 9th January 2009
"I'm sorry for the late update.
Something happened.
And I feel happy as well as sad."
ryo_trans Happy = wild night
Sad = parting in the morning :(