Drabble: How Deadpool Saved Spiderman's Valentine's Day

Feb 13, 2016 12:47

Title: How Deadpool Saved Spiderman's Valentine's Day
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Spiderman/Deadpool
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Marvel. It's not my toy box and I'm merely playing.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Spiderman's having a bad Valentine's Day until Deadpool shows up.
A/N: Because Deadpool movie, how could I not? Written for slashthedrabbles prompt #387 Valentine's Day.

How Deadpool Saved Spiderman's Valentine's Day:

Peter stumbles and barely manages to keep himself from falling into the muck of the alleyway. He groans as he looks around, there is still someone here, but it’s not the villain he’d been chasing. Worse Valentine’s ever, he decides, not only had he lost Bullseye, but he was alone.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!”

Peter spins around. Deadpool is hanging upside down via a rope and holding out a heart shaped box of chocolates. Peter stares for a moment, then smiles. He peels down Wade’s mask and gives him a long slow kiss before asking, “Valentine’s bad guy hunt?”

Wade grins.

type:drabble, fic:marvelcomicverse, pairingmarvel:peterwade, type:slash

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