Just writing all kinds of fic. Even though I haven't updated this journal in a while, the fic comm is getting steady updates. Fic writing is pretty much all Spartacus, all the time, and since I'm working on both a major WIP for the series, and a Big Bang fic, I suspect I'll make a lot more writing rants over here.
In other news:
Things are going pretty well on my side of the world/with the family. General bs related to nursing, medicaid, and funding, but that's the norm.
I already have plans to visit Nashville again in January. Trying to work for a day/weekend off sometime this month to go up to the Mts and see the leaves. Mom's looking into it since we'll need coverage for Carrie. Blue Ridge Parkway is just so damn pretty this time of year.
I started watching Elementary and adore it. I love the dynamic between Sherlock and Joan, very brother-sister, I won't take your b.s. I love the fact that we're seeing more of Holmes as he was in the actual friggin' stories, even if ACD, you know, hated the character that made him famous. And I really love the fact they use a Rube Goldberg Machine for the opening credits. It's perfect. And even though I am not yet in love with the show, I will defend it just for the sake that people are getting all up and arms about the fact it's not a carbon-copy of BBC's Sherlock. (I like that version, but how in the hell it's become the Holy Grail of Adaptations I don't even know.)
This entry was originally posted at
http://rivlee.dreamwidth.org/407497.html. Please comment there or on lj.