This is a prompt post

Apr 04, 2012 22:24

Even though I have about a zillion other things to write, I always like to have ficlets on the side to help distract me (and keep me from punching the screen in a fit of damn you, Leckie. Therefore: PROMPT ME!

Be it for fanmixes, ficlets, time stamp meme ficlets, character background or headcanon, domestic fic, etc etc etc, ye go forth and prompt. Everyone. Lurkers, anons, random people wondering who this "rivlee" chick is and why she writes cracked out aus, prompt, my dear fellows, prompt.

I only ask that you limit it to war fandom or Justified (for headcanon/mixes) since that's the kind of fandon mindset I need to be in right now.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there or on lj.

fandom: the pacific, fandom: justified, fandom: band of bros, fandom: gen kill, prompt post

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