I've just been invited to join the Facebook group of my HS Class' 10th year anniv reunion. How old do I feel right now? I have no intention to go to said Reunion, there's only about 1-2 people I'd like to see that I don't still talk to and besdies, I have at least one person per work day go, "Didn't we got to high school togehter?" To which I am forced to reply yes, yes we did. And yes, I work here. Yup, as a cashier, a job I normally don't look on in shame until you look down on me with pity. But guess what, random person I never actually spoke to in high school outside of class, at least I've got a master's degree dusting up my shelves.
It's really bad when their parents remember me too.
Anyway, internet connection has been super crappy this week in general, and I already have 10 thousand other things to write, but I do love domestic fic and couldn't pass up this meme, as stolen from
Name a pairing that you know I like and I will tell you:
who is the big spoon/little spoon
what is their favorite non-sexual activity
who uses all the hot water in the morning
what they order from take out
what is the most trivial thing they fight over
who does most of the cleaning
what has a season pass in their DVR
who controls the netflix queue
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working
who steals the blankets
who leaves their stuff around
who remembers to buy the milk
who remembers anniversaries
As for fandom, HBO war fandom is easiest, though I could be tempted for bandom or Tolkien.
Other than that: Christmas cards have started to arrive. So far, one with Santa and two quoting bible versus. Can't wait to see what comes next. As for my cards, they've been sent out. Some mway have already arrive. Hope everyone enjoys them.